Why do gamers have a problem with "politics in video games", when video games have had political themes for decades?

Why do gamers have a problem with "politics in video games", when video games have had political themes for decades?

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Quick op, explain to me the politics of FO1.

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when they don't have their own political beliefs in games, gamers get upset

It's a shorthand for corporate feminist politics

because there weren't trannies in any of those old games

You can have politics as a backdrop or setup for bigger things to come, but people are tired of hearing orange man, and gamer bad. Old games tried to weave messages and themes into stories. The message wasn't the story.

its pandering, nobody wants to be preached as to why "people i agree with good people i disagree with bad"
thats just the author stroking his ego and pandering his own views exclusively

I asked you a question, retarded wojak poster.

Nuclear war bad

Kill yourself

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we went from >authoritarian regimes bad to >the opposite site is bad and we good, take that

Wrong, nuclear war good because it reked california.

>Be wary of people with immense power is political now
anyway neck yourself

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The political messages if any should be ageless. "War bad" can fit into any, and I do mean any context. "Build a wall at the southern border and vet incoming immigrants bad" is pretty on the nose about a specific set of irl events.

Because they were children when they played those games, and didn't actually register the political message, and likely didn't even have political opinions to begin with, so even if they do recognize the politics, they are unlikely to find them offensive.
Now that they are older and have political opinions, they get mad when people don't agree with them on said opinions.

I don't recall games twenty years ago running around screeching about DRUMPFFFFF and how ebil white men are.

I agree OP, people here are cringe!

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>all games are political
>brought to you by the people who brought you
>the personal is political

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Identity ""politics"" that twitter faggots obsesses over isn't the same as the politics in those games. Fucking dipshit.

Always knew mgsfaggots are retarded but never knew how much.

no no, it's about politics i don't agree with, that's the problem

But you're also engaging in identity politics....

Because you're a disingenuous fuck.

Shit bait loser kill yourself

I literally just hate leftists and leftist ideology. Yes I will bitch because I want them and their shitty beliefs gone and censored. I don't care about politics otherwise.

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Can you post a real person actually voicing this opinion? I feel like it doesn't exist outside of the deep recesses of Twitter retardation.

>Son is a long haired faggot that gets praised by trannies for giving his dad to the feds/governemnt
Holy fuck this is blackpilling me to never have a family. How can you do this to your own dad?

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Because when they played those games they were kids too stupid to actually understand the messages in them.

not political

>MGS (1&2), DE
spy novel/movie, conspiracy theory. pure entertainment. MGS only got political when Kojima started smelling his own farts in later games

Difference between fantasy politics for the purpose of worldbuilding and shoehorned real world anti-blumpf dogwhistling


Old games were always a bit more grey and open ended with the politics
Now it's be dumbed down to this political thing good, this political thing bad and then people just pretentiously screech about it because it aligns with their views

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Transgenderism really is a disease.

There's a big difference in a video game exploring political views and a video game imposing them on you.

>games having their own politics v talking about real world politics
It's not fucking hard genius.


Deus Ex and MGS1 both break the 4th wall to directly give the player real world political commentary

All games are political, chuds

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I don't care don't care that you're being disingenuous. Still not buying woke shit.

username really sells it

What's the political commentary of these games?

Your kind is outdated dinosaurs. You are no longer the target audience.

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dornbuild blumpf

>nooo you have to submit to your daddy and never cross him
what a little cuck you are

Politics that are a large plot point or heavily tied to the theme of that game presented in a way to matches the game vs identity politics that don't have anything to do with the rest of the game or it's theme presented in obvious ways even occasionally completely nonsensical ways to show that they're one of the good developers.

Basically, diversity in games is fine, just don't do it in a hit the checkbox level retarded way. But since that method requires actual skill and ability to implement, most devs go for the hit the checkbox put it in. After all, idiots online will defends them for being "progressive" regardless of quality as long as they're there.

>fate of a society with greater and greater energy demands
>greeds that leads to unregulated corporate power
Doom 3? It's a game about mad scientist going solo and opening a portal to fucking hell retarded troon

>Big government good libertarianism bad
>spend more money on nuclear waste disposal plants

at least half of these examples use politics as a mere setting for a plot that has nothing to do with politics
and even if the dev wants to convey a message, they do so with subtlety


>equating subservience to loyalty

And we're done here. Nearly everything after this will just be hyperbole.

stale old b8

Saying that "every game is political" is just an excuse to put shit like feminism, gender neutral pronouns, neo marxism, intersectionality and other progressive cancers on the game.

There is a difference between exploring and criticizing a certain political stance and shoving it into your mouth until it becomes hegemonic and screaming next to your ears if you don't like it.

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>>Big government good
DX says that?
Shit, I guess I must've missed that the first 12 times I played through it.

Oh fuck, a trannyjak got through. Time to add that to the filter!