Wow down to 34k players a day

>wow down to 34k players a day
>blizz LOSING MONEY in the same quarter it whaled the fuck out of diablo
>all their other prospects dead in a ditch

is blizzard dying the saddest vidya story since sega consoles? Has any other company destroyed their name in such an incredible way? How much are the competitors like gw2 and ffxiv to blame?

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>34k players a day = 12.4 million players a year
How is this bad?

>How much are the competitors like gw2 and ffxiv to blame?
0, blizzard is unironically killing itself.

>tfw not multiplying myself every day and playing wow with my clones

GW2 and FF are both snorefests. Actiblizzard only has itself to blame for destroying their own image and churning out diarrhea ever since wotlk.

>less revenue means "losing money"
Fucking jews m8.

that's not how math work
it's still only 34k paying customers per year

I'd just fuck my own ass at this point.

Worse still, 34k players x 30 Days a month x $15 monthly subscription = $15,000,000 a month they make off of WoW alone

>Source: My Sphincter

yep, I'm thinking it's over.

your math is beyond human comprehension

what if most of those people buy wow tokens with gold?


That's 510k a month dumbass.

Played DI for 4 days till I got sick of it, I'm over Blizzard, we had a good run but it's time to move on.

I want you all to look at these posts and commit them to memory. These are the type of people that frequent this board. Is this really who you want to be associated with? Get off this site and spend this time improving yourselves instead.

my man actually broke out the calculator just to fuck up this bad

you people disgust me

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How many a month use WoW tokens, how many buy other stuff on cash shop, how many sub and unsub, how many bought the yearly sub pack thing. Take all that and then subtract the cost of having to exist in California, paying devs and art team, lawsuits, Bobby's cut, and likely scrapped projects. A company can be pulling in a lot of money but I wonder what the costs are at this point and how much they can still lose while remaining profitable. CoD and mobile seems to be holding the company up. I think WoW is just something they've decided to put on maintenance mode since addicts will buy literal shit if it has WoW on it. I think they're fine with letting WoW died because they let a lot of other IPs die without caring.

This is a company that is trying to milk what's left before the company is merged under Microsoft. After which, the company will likely die and the IPs will be whored out like Halo has been. Don't expect anything from people who can't create and have no incentive to create anymore. Their future is set in stone, this is a managed decline.