No crunch means games will be bette-

>no crunch means games will be bette-
Now what anti-crunch faggots?

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i still don't want crunch
video games are a luxury and they don't owe it to us to make them

>read it as "futa" instead of "four" first

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with mods

>Rockstar was originally envisioning a far larger project when starting work on GTA 6, but has since scaled back as part of stopping its developers crunching on projects.

Games will always have crunch. Its partially a technical process, sure, but its also an artistic endeavor. And artists work best when under pressure ... and oftentimes dont work at all when not under it.

And their employers don't owe devs freedom from crunch. If they don't want to do what it takes to finish the product they can fuck off

I want a meticulously written futa protagonists, not just shlong mods.

a good open world AAA game is impossible without crunch

this was the last Rockstar game made with crunch we'll ever see

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ya enjoy your dead on arrival games faggot fuck off and die

has there ever been a good game made without crunch?
recent flops that avoided crunch include halo, and all BF entries made after 1 by swedish idiots

Rockstar is a retarded studio that thought horseballs simulation was a marketable feature. I donct care what they are or arenct doing for GTA.

lol seethe

Fair enough but wouldn't we get better games if developers were enjoying their work more? No one really "owes" anyone anything in a free market unless they're already in debt, but that also means consumers and employees have the right to demand better of corporations or refuse to deal with them.

they can finish a product by either hiring more people, managing well, taking more time, or all of the above- we all know they're going to delay the game 6 times anyway.
The only people that feel beholden to them to produce a game tomorrow are investors- and fuck them.
You'll get your game when it's ready, little piggies

>they plan to update GTA 6 after launch, introducing new cities and content, which means less crunch since it can be released later
their are 'people' that believe this, as if they won't just focus entirely on GTA Online

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>I'm on the literal fucking video game board but I don't want good games
Kill yourself

>people aren't owed decency and the product is king!!
hello rabbi

If crunch is required for modern games to be that expansive then modern games shouldn't be that expansive.
I'm a (non-games) programmer. It is and always has been bullshit that games programming (or any actual dev roles for that matter) are such shitty jobs in terms of worker treatment and compensation relative to what they do.

When you make games without crunch you get the last 5 Minecraft updates.

i never said i didn't want video games
i'm saying that unlike you, im not a needy bitch that demands something i havne't even paid for yet to be finished without considering the people making it
i'll play it whenever

Dunno but games are usually better when the devs aren't just working on something they hate for a paycheck. Wouldn't less crunch be a step toward more enjoyable work? And if they DO wanna crunch because they're that kind of worker, that's fine too.

Its hard to enjoy working at these massive 500 people projects. If you are stuck making hair for 3 years, regardless of how you feel about your job in particular, its not like the game is really your doing at the end of the day. And try getting passionate about earning Zelnick another yacht..

no. how does 'enjoyment' ever translate into better work? game dev is mostly NOT art it is just vast amounts of code and effort

Rockstar paid for their overtime pretty well, what was the problem exactly?

That has nothing to do with crunch, they'd need to delay the game for years to add something like that crunch or no crunch

I want good games, I couldn't give a shit about the conditions under which they are developed. I've seen no evidence of no crunch leading to better games, just longer development times and the work that would have been done during crunch never getting done despite that

>I'm a (non-games) programmer
opinion discarded then. you literally want WORSE games. FUCK off.
>games are usually better when the devs aren't just working on something they hate for a paycheck
Source? all the best games have been made by crunch. I LOVE crunch.

Honestly I think the blame lies more on publishers than on overworked developers.

I'm anti crunch because it's always shitty managers that are the fault.

Enjoyment means you're more likely to give a shit.

Which cities? One has to be Miami and I remember reading something about a city outside America. I'm guessing a Havana knock off. Is there anything confirmed about what the other cities outside of Vice are?

No one is owed anything, if you want "decency" you can find an employer that offers it or accept reality

Many games are made without crunch of the variety rockstar used.
Multiple months long stretches of people sleeping in their offices is fucking retarded.


Hiring more people for software development has diminishing returns and good management is a fucking myth, so what will happen is development time will get longer and that's it. Devs using crunch will release more games and make more money, getting investors and outcompeting those that don't

Games used to have more lenient deadlines but now they sometimes can't even make it out the door without being glorified early access

This is what popped up on first search, but I'll lookinto it more. It's not about games specifically, but people who aren't burnt out tend to be more productive.

>oh no someone think about 7 figure salary R* devs!!

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They aren't forced at gunpoint to work there, working under those terms is a fucking choice retard

They literally do, there are laws in place to stop you overworking employees you know

>what was the problem exactly?
Working cut into their marvel movies time.

>no crunch time
>game is shit
>crunch time
>game is shit

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>State dictating how much you can work
Don't like it. Don't work.

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The problem is not crunch. The problem is that there are too many low IQ people who have no real hobbies or talents apart from playing video games. Combine this with companies pushing the learn to code meme in order to have a large talent pool, and republican politicians who can't afford their mortgage or $100000 medical bill to learn to code. You have a huge, saturated market of candidates with basic level programming skills a company can hire, work to death in the short term, and easily replace when they get burnt out. It's far cheaper to do this than actually hire competent developers or try to retain your good workers.

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And if those were being broken this would be settled in court

>It's not about games specifically

That's exactly what they're saying though? New cities and content are planned for the GTA6 Online.

Can't wait for there to be only one small corner of the map worth hanging out in for the vast majority, and without a single reason to ever use a boat unless forced to.

And it was shit. If crunching means good visuals but shit game I'll gladly pass.

Lawyers are too expensive

they made out like it would lead to them updating the single-player, with a smaller scale single-player campaign at launch
if anyone believes that, I have some magic beans to sell them

Because the credits at the end would wind up taking 300GB of space

fuck off retard

Laws that aren't enforced don't exist in practice, so we're back to them not owing the devs shit in that case

Did anyone even like the three protagonist thing they did in 5?

>they made out like it would lead to them updating the single-player, with a smaller scale single-player campaign at launch
No they didn't.

fuck off retard