2k hours

>2k hours
>negative review
Why are they like this?

Attached: file.png (290x50, 6.3K)

Took them that long to realise.

Games get drastic changes that ruin the game all the time

>plays another 2k hours
What now?

>21.7 hrs at review time

I'm more surprised when a review with 2k+ hours played is positive, if someone told me they managed to spent $2000 on a game my assumption isn't going to be they are happy about it.

they found a way to play the older version

he's just deranking on halo 3

A game can be fun and still not worth a recommendation. I almost always give negative reviews to freemium games, even if I put hundreds of hours into them.

I did this with EU4 because the patches put expansion mechanics in but make it uninteractable.

how many times more are you going to make this thread?

Hours 1-1969: Hey this game is pretty good
Hours 1970-2000: what the fuck that last update ruined everything no I can't stand it anymore


>several years old stale bait
>still repost it
Why are you like this?

steamfags are bot tier dumb
what a surprise

You make same thread over and over. When will you stop, you retarded shitposting faggot?

Did the Developer reference a coder who inspired him to make a fantastic game? Because that's what Factorio did and the troons tried (tried) to review bomb it.

Because ones opinions are there own, and can be changed at a whim at ones discretion for any reason. Simple as that really.

Good thing It's just opinions on le game huh?

some games (F2P usually) started off great but get progressively grindier over time as new content is added without balancing the progression systems. If you're an old player you may love and still play the game and because you've played for so long those negative systems don't affect you, so you personally have a good time, but you also recognize that a new player will have a terrible experience so you give it a bad rating to discourage prospective players.

Game never manages to actually get good, but showed promise at the beginning. As an example just look at Warframe; tons of promise when it started, but eventually after enough updates have to face the reality that it will never actually live up to that promise.


Not OP, but why is It so crazy to fathom that there are a plethora of reviews with stats that match OPs picture?