Monster hunter

Hunting monster hunter

Attached: 1657639894827.webm (960x540, 2.98M)

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HH chads report

you are blunt ls now boy

why is this sped up

i wish they would add things like rajang GS doing blunt or a sharp hammer

It's not

>insecure hammer main "protecting" a gunlance chad perfectly safe behind his trusty shield

I preferred World over Rise and have great hopes for the next game released with a larger budget.

he was in wyvern fire recoil he was about to get hit by weeb nergigante's second strongest attack

Did Longsword Nargacuga triplecartfag ever do it? Did he beat Nargacua?

How do you approach with GS any new fight you have never done before?
Ever since they introduced TCS autism it was all downhill for me. There was never a consistency. Even in Rise it feels like you just wait for your 2 wire bugs to recharge for the counter and the rest might as well not exist, but this is retarded.

Attached: 1631982464207.png (1280x720, 1.07M)

Critical + Punishing draw and aim for the head

Surge memes

It explains why so many weapons feel like they have fuckall sharpness

If only that worked well. Or was relevant.
I miss critdraw GS, shit was easy. Now the TCS autism is as grating as using an industrial crusher on a ballsack. It is never consistent, even with the meme counter. You either land 5 of them in a row or eat shit for several minutes and keep missing while fucking dying because you missed your meme counter and ate shit.
At least the older games were straightforward where you avoided damage and used it in openings. Now you have to trade and bait counters.

Rise is normie tier trash go touch grass lad

I wonder if you can unlock those other anomaly slots or if each weapon has a set amount of open slots.

This is very reminiscent of iceborne augments, which had slots based on the rarity of the weapon
But every weapon hits 10 in sunbreak, so they might be based on something more arbitrary
If every weapon eventually gets 5 slots then that doesn't bode well for some of the currently very shit weapons like garangolm

This shit looks worse than most ps2 games. Why the fuck do tendies think it's acceptable to go from world's cutting edge graphics to this shit?

>There are still people trying to cap anomaly monsters