Dumb people games

I'm not going to say it's horrible or wasn't a little bit fun for the time I played it, the graphics and whatever are nice too. But this is literally the dumbest game I have ever played in terms of what it needs in terms of mental capacity

this is sekiro
>if they attack, press the button
>if they attack red, press the other button
>if they dont attack, press the other button

It's literally the entire game start to finish. There is nothing worth thinking about between bosses because the enemies are a joke you can either fight one by one or just walk past so the entire game is basically just going from boss to boss

Here is what you DON'T have to think about in sekiro compared to DS
>what weapon do I use?
>what armor do I use?
>what abilities should I upgrade my weapon with?
>is there a way I should position myself better?
>will this fight require stability and strong attacks, or speed and light attacks?
>what stats should I focus on?
>is there a secret to make this boss fight easier?
>should I do x to get reward y for a quest?
>where do I go at this branching path?
>are these enemies weak to something?
>how should I fight this group of enemies?
>I just lost to this boss, is there some kind of strategy I should have been using? let me rethink that

There is simply nothing to rethink. It's a rhythm game without even the intelligence of a rhythm game, because at least those work with your brain as you are combining audio queues, rhythm, memory, and reaction time to complete a goal. If you lose to a boss in sekiro, it's not because you could have outsmarted it, played differently or lacked an upgrade or any character strength. It's because you didn't react to a quick time event quick enough. The game never really throws anything new at you that shakes up gameplay.

Attached: sekiro.jpg (201x251, 9.46K)

Yeah, there's a reason the Nioh games filter low IQ fromtards.

>muh stats and builds!
RPG mechanics are boring, RPGs are boring. I want a game where skill is necessary to make progress, not stats.
Sekiro is From's best game solely because of that, it's the closest thing they have ever made to an action game.


so in other words you cant refute anything?

Beethoven wrote a full symphony from just four notes.

Are you calling Beethoven dumb?

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I’m not reading all of that.

>wow bro look at all these choices! it lets us pretend there's more than two viable builds

you did and it made you too upset to engage
even if that was true it would mean the game has twice the depth of sekiro

You do have to think a lot of those things in sekiro, maybe you're just a faggot

I'm more worried that you think DS has that much thought. You seem to also not bring up ninja tools at all which let you change your "build", several are made to make boss fights have easy work arounds, the guy early on brings up that animals are afraid of fire crackers.
Also if you think an action game has good design when the idea "lacked an upgrade or any character strength" you're an idiot.


I don't think ds has that much thought either. I just brought it up because it's relevant and a comparable series of games.

>Also if you think an action game has good design when the idea "lacked an upgrade or any character strength" you're an idiot.
What the fuck action games are you even playing? If I was playing DMC and had zero upgrades that gave me air attacks or juggling stuff I would have trouble with a flying boss that stays in the air. Obviously I would be at a heavy disadvantage if I built my character stupid

so no one can actually refute this? sad

concession: accepted

sekiro will always be better than nioh trash fromfag

meant to say team ninjafag or something i misclicked

i like both sekiro made me stop choking during the times it matters most


based based based based

you mean like the infested helicopter, the boss that belongs to the notoriously bad one? A good action game should never be about your character being built, it should be about you learning patterns and when you are on defence and offense.

can you tell me these mystical action games you're playing where having air upgrades wouldn't help you against flying enemies? are there just no flying or enemies in the sky? What the fuck games are you even talking about at this point

What a coincidence, watched a soulsborne speedrunner who mostly played Sekiro get absolutely filtered by Nioh last night

Blah blah blah look at this fucking faggot.

Seriously who gives a shit what you think?

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