Callisto Protocol

will it be good?

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Looks too janky to be scary.

The camera looks too shaky like a war movie or something

>white male protagonist

Hoping for the best.
Preparing for the worst.
Looks good so far, but I won't know till users get it in their hands. A good dead space spiritual successor seems too good to be true.

has a spiritual successor has ever been good? like the original creator doing something on his own that is simular to the original work that made him "famous"

That's kind of a loaded question because I don't necessarily think the original developers have to be behind a good spiritual successor. For example, I think The Dark Mod is a pretty good continuation of the Thief series depending on what maps you play. I also think Ex-Zodiac looks great for someone like me who likes Star Fox. In terms of spiritual successors done by the original creators, Nier: Automata is a mishmash of Platinum's best work all centralized into one game, like the Overclock chip is basically witch time from Bayonetta, A2's taunt is Jetstream Sam's taunt, the way communication between characters is handled is very similar to Metal Gear Rising's codec system, etc. so if that counts, then yes.

grim dawn

I hope so.

Attached: RE2.webm (720x375, 2.94M)


tps horror game appeal never died and RE2remake proved that, publishers just decided to stop making them.

also asian love interest

I like horror games so I'm buying a copy. Can't only be Capcom and indies. If it sucks I wont buy the franchise again but I'm willing to give this a shot in the hopes that it takes and off influences other studios.

The combat needs to be good like Dead Space in order to make this game awesome
I like the idea of focusing on melee combat but I hope it feels good.

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I know Remake 2 gets tons of hate here but I am having an absolute blast playing this right now.

It only gets hates from classicfags which includes me. It has it's issues but I generally shill it to dead space fanboys as an entrypoint to RE when I can.

Attached: AVPRequiem.webm (960x400, 2.97M)

Why? Other than the graphics the original is better in every way.

Only complete fucking retards hate on RE2 Remake. It's by far one of the best survival horror games ever made that perfected a lot of the gameplay of the original
It's also the closest thing to a new Dead Space we've gotten in years since it also focuses on limb dismemberment based combat and it was awesome.

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We had good threads on here for like a month after it released. Which is about as lauded as a game gets on the nuchan apart from smash and coom shit.

Considering that it's made by the same people who made the originals and it seems to be more of a horror game than an action one, I'm thinking dead space kino is back on the menu.

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I didn't hate it, but pretending it's better than the original is maximum delusion.

Depends if they have the budget

Sorry but OG RE2 is way too easy you get so much ammo and you can kill everything very easily and by the end of the game you are drowning in ammo
RE2 Remake balanced it perfectly giving you just enough ammo to make it by but also making it that you had to be careful. RE2 Remake has way better survival gameplay compared to the OG.

although I don't agree with it, people saying that the newest Prey is like a System Shock successor is right if they went by purely money metrics, but I think it has completely different vibes and vision.

Why do these future factory designers love their LED strips so much? Are they all gaymer descendants or something?

The Evil Within and Bloodstained are both awesome spiritual successors

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>live in the 3rd world
>the game is available for preorder on Steam for $7, $10 for ultimate deluxe game of the year edition whatever
>they fix the prices next day for $30/$40
The worst part was I love Dead Space 1&2

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