I don't understand this ending

I don't understand this ending.

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>intentional spoilers

Ken Levine is a pretentious hack and he wrote complete nonsense, by his own admission, without having even a basic understanding of the subject he was writing about because he thought it sounded cool and smart. Infinite's ending is the kind of insipid, childish, sophomoric garbage I would have conceived in the shower as a 14 year old, using lofty terms that don't actually mean anything to describe concepts that I don't fully understand because I thought it would impress the hot teacher at school.

you have an orgy with your daughter.

What didn't you understand? The scene prior to this Elizabeth states there are INFINITE timelines and then this scene they drown you and that somehow ... undoes all those timelines and ... then you revert back to right before Booker sells his own daughter and you're expected to believe he just won't do that this time because ...

Look it's art and not everyone can understand art OP.

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It was to spit in the faces of the people who wanted to keep Elizabeth's original model but they went full woke instead and ignored the fans

Booker and Elizabeth get together, what's more to understand?

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The Jew Ken Levine wants you to kill yourself, White Man

Let's just be honest here, the entire "rift" bullshit never had any place in the game .
Infinite is a bloated game on all fronts, too much stuff to see, too much weapons and powers, too much garbage in the plot to be invested in.

>Chudcel detected

Multiverse theory

Neither did Ken Levine

in burial at sea Elizabeth has the memories of all the other Elizabeths so after she dies the baby Anna will get all those memories including what happened in Columbia. Same with Booker so they grow up together with all those memories intact

Then again the Lutece twins could turn up and change everything

I wish this game wasn't cut down so much

were they fucking?

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Fucks, Fucked, will Fuck

>jewish """"""physics""""""
imagine playing a satanic game

The river of baptism is supposed to be THE focal point for Booker in which he either stays Booker or becomes Comstock. This is why the Elizabeths kill you here so you definitely don't become Comstock. But Kenny decided to give Elizabeth god like powers including time travel so theoretically present day Booker and Elizabeth could travel even further back and find past Booker just before he went to Wounded Knee and sit on past Booker for like a week or until the events at Wounded Knee pass and past Booker doesn't kill a bunch of injuns and feels sad about that, thus removing the river of baptism all together.

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All words but no point

How does "tearing" into another reality from a bajillion feet in the sky potentially land you in France at a movie theater?

Attached: Bioshock Infinite Ending.png (998x561, 765K)

Daughters murder their father ending.