Ring Fit

Ok so I'm a skinnyfag who was tired of having no muscle whatsoever
so I bought the game and played it for a while and after doing like 30 billion squats my legs won't stop shaking.
Did I fuck up? Am I going to have to amputate my legs?

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It's called fatigue. It's the french word for tired. It's pronouced fatty-gay in french and I assume that's what you are.

Only faggots speak french.
Touché nigger

if it's not hurting it's not working

But honestly, I was supposed to do like 30 squats I think. And I couldn't do more than 2 without taking a break, drinking water and catching my breath.
And now my leg still won't stop shaking.

Touché is from Fencing. So seems like i struck a nerve

sounds like monkeypox

The good news is I think ring fit might be the right place for you to stsrt if you are that unprepared for basic fitness exercises.

you cant gain on cardio muppet. wack up on protien & hit the gym.

Ok but should I keep doing the squats?
The other exercises were ok, had to take some breathers every now and then but my arms are still doing just fine.

>hit the gym
Even if I mustered the courage to go, I wouldn't even know what to do once I got there.

there's no way it doesn't help at all

cadio helps but this user is right, you wont gain muscle from it. you need a balanced diet and proteins for serious gains.

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So I just wasted money?
I can get cardio from jump rope or even running in place probably.

I hope you're just being dumb. Ring Fit is honestly a good workout, keep going and shit gets very challenging. Fun as hell to play too imo

so you need equipment for any gains?

You're not going to be gaining much muscle mass without weights but you'll look and feel better, promise. Mix some difficult bodyweight exercises into your routine(L-sit, push-ups, squats) and your body will change. It would be hard NOT to make gains considering how out of shape you make yourself sound

how does one reach adulthood without ever experiencing physical exertion

i mean not really, this rusty weight that i use for simple lifting is what ive been using for years now, but yeah buying actual weights is a good idea. i dont think ring fit is a waste either since i have it as well, keeps me from getting too fat, but if you wanna gain muscle then its not really for you. it was made with the intention of keeping scrawny japs from getting overweight during the pandemic, not for people trying to gain muscle.
i agree yeah, its still a pretty fun workout game.

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You have to work your way up and it'll stop happening.

>i have it as well
oh ok, thought most people had a misconception about the game only having like running, as future levels have tons of other stuff

Yeah that first day had me doing so many squats, I felt sore for two days after. Hopefully you unlocked a few more workouts so it's not just squats and overhead presses

The beginning is hell, if you feel like puking yeah that's normal too.
It will get easier after a while. Most of us spineless retards start with basically zero muscle, keep the good work user.