Why didn't you tell me this was fun wtf

Why didn't you tell me this was fun wtf

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everyone titan is a master chief

because not everyone likes shit

its only fun if you have a group
I hate the 'friends' I played this with so I ended up not liking it after a while

Until you hit paywall/endgame.

I told people many times. But then I just got the clue and understood that people are mostly incredibly stupid and hate objectively good stuff that forces them to use a brain a little bit.
So now I am doing the only right thing. I gatekeep.

Fun and good are not mutually exclusives, I like shooting at things and looting new guns and things to dress my guardian with, nothing else matters to me and the moment that is somehow compromised by me not paying anything for it I will quit the game.

What paywall, retard? Game is free to try, but if you want actual content - you pay for it and get access to hundreds of hours of gameplay that evolves and push narrative, new gameplay and mechanic aspects further every week.
Buying a game doesn't equal to paywall. I spit in your face.

How do you feel about them removing paid content.

That was the point I decided never to touch anything nu bungie ever again. It sets a precedent that they can take anything you own in the game away from you. Even the stuff you specifically payed to get access to. Fuck bungie and fuck destiny. It died when destiny 1 stopped being supported and updated.

>hundreds of hours
Lol nice try shill

They removed old trash that people didn't play at all for 1,5 years, because it was outdated and served literally no purpose. Furthermore game almost instantly got an influx of new high quality content that is 10 leagues better than cut content. The ones who cry about vaulting are the ones who never played the game or played it for 2 weeks.

*vaults your paid content*
nothing personnel, paypig

You have no idea what you are talking about. You just a mindless parrot.

He knows exactly what he's talking about, he paid for the red war, the leviathan raid and it's branches, and the forsaken campaign

If removing tangled shore patrols and story is required by engine limitation to add raids and dungeons, I'm all for it.

it wasn't just that retard it was several fun raids as well

crown and spire kino are gone. you probably never experienced them anyway luls!

I've been playing since day D1. If you weren't a secondary, you would know that the engine is shit and literally can't support anything more than X number of locations. It would be best if removing destinations wasn't required, but if it is, removing 5 year-old content that has been played to death isn't really awful.

It's more about the absurdity of the wasted potential of Destiny 2. I have 2000 hours in that game and absolutely adore it. The problem is that most of the content I enjoyed is no longer accessible.

You can't play the original campaign missions anymore, or any of the campaigns from the DLCs except the most recent ones. I enjoyed my time with it and will probably return for Lightfall, but I skipped Witchqueen. Also fuck Hunters, Warlocks are the true fashion kino.

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I have MMXIX title and wear it all time. These outdated easy raids needed to go, everybody was sick of them.
I continue to spit in your ugly face.

>I skipped Witchqueen
You skipped the best content, retard. Do not come back. You don't deserve it.

I'm still mad.

Also, new zones and raids are pretty shit. Leviathan, EoW & Spire were better than anything that's happened after Forsaken.

Is it good? I'm just saying I burnt myself out on Beyond Light and that was a pretty short disappointing campaign.