Chief i

chief i...

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i... i thought you were a GEP gun.

The plot with the Korean girl was a huge waste of time on that show.

The plot with the Korean girl was very likely the original script before someone slapped the Halo IP on it.
All the halo elements are window dressing because it was never supposed to be an adaption.
See also wheel of time, the watch and likely rings of power

am halo

Just another parasite.

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imagine nutting on that face

>The show was a huge waste of time



Unironically what's wrong with show writers these days? who comes up with this shit and what do they get a job for a multi million dollar series? I feel like there are thousands of better writers that would kill for that budget


>this is not a natural formation
>theres two of us inside here
Why did they make so many cringy references? Usually when I torrent shows I keep them, this is one of the few instances I deleted each episode as I watched and I keep a lot of shit..

>hack writers can't get their pitch for an original story accepted
>hack multimillion dollar company wants to cash in on a popular franchise they own
>hack company hires hack writers to "make a show for this video game I don't fucking care just MAKE PRODUCT"
>hack writer retools his ebic original story into "totally a [franchise] story guise it's just reimagined!"
>shitty show still gets audience because it's [franchise], confirming the hack company's suspicions that franchise name > product quality and inflating the ego of the hack writer who now think he's hot shit and will proceed to nepotism his other hack buddies into the industry


Executive corruption.
What they do is take a script from a pile that has some similarities with the IP they’ve got, retool it so some of the names line up, then call it a day.
It’s so they can shove out scripts that are too shit to get made on their own, but are written by people that they can’t ignore for whatever reason.
If you’ve ever seen a really dogshit adaption and thought
>what the fuck were they thinking?!
That’s likely the answer

the last part doesn't need to happen. afaik doesn't really make money. these companies run on investor money gained with lofty promises, not consumers. and investor money comes from bullshit corpo-socialist sources

Halo actually lends itself very well to a live action adaptation its actually one of the reasons this show is so infuriating.

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>afaik netflix doesn't really make money

She looks like younger version of that evil milf in the last old Dexter season.

I don't think people understand how rich these media corporations are. To the people writing this checks this could at worst be a tax write off and at best be the next Game of Thrones or Breaking Bad. there is very little oversight on this kind of shit especially compared to Movies.


>Halo actually lends itself very well to a live action adaptation its actually one of the reasons this show is so infuriating.

How adaptable are the Nylund books?