With vidya knowledge:

with vidya knowledge:
how do you defnd this town from the invasion?

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Route the only entrance through the sea

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the sea is more than 100km away from that city

I call down a constant barrage of artillery and air strikes on the invaders until none are left standing. Collateral damage is acceptable.

Sentry guns and mortar pieces at key positions around the walls, minefields and/or caltrops at the entrances

It greatly depends on who's attacking desu, and what era are we taking about

Invasion from where?
I just go evangelion way.

Is the village center at higher elevation than it's perimeter? What are the technological limitations in play?

What would have happened if Rone never fell into decadence and degeneracy? If they never gave power to women?
What if Constantinople shared their scientific advances with the world instead of letting them rot?
Could we be traveling the stars right now?


The Free People of Middle Earth!

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I use my knowledge of an impending attack, use the plebs as cannonfodder and bail to safety of another town

Rome became incredibly moralistic and militarist by the end of the 2nd century. The degenerate times were the heyday of the principate in the first century. The eastern Roman empire went even more moralistic, inspiring the Arabs.

hopefully I'd defend it with some good macro so I could afford to send wave after wave of soldiers to meet whatever threat there was before it got close to cozy town.

Alert the local overpowered isekai hero

idk how to kill all the titans yet nigga im on season 1 episode 9

Fill it and it's surrounding areas with whites.

By expelling the jews.

Restrictive immigration policies.

put libraries on the outer edges, that usually deters the 3rd world

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wait 2 more weeks!

Is it an isekai town if its missing the river running through it?

give me all your materials and menials and i'll give you a fortified position worthy of the emperor himself

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