Fellow elfthusiasts, what do you believe is missing from the depiction of elves in video games? Can be lore, gameplay...

fellow elfthusiasts, what do you believe is missing from the depiction of elves in video games? Can be lore, gameplay, visuals or other details you'd like to see more of.

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Elves need to be flat! FLAT!

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Being based is what's missing from elves.

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based on what?

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I wish there would be more of a focus on the strength and agility being an Elf gives you. Part of why I really like Corvus(Heretic) is how fucking cool the guy is, that's a god damn Elven hero wizard that makes you think "Man those Elves truly are pretty damn cool".

On their anatomy.

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based on argonians being property

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A healthy ratio between male and female elf characters.
Lore that justifies their existence in the setting, giving them a role and niche.
Gameplay and mechanics that truly differentiate them from playing just a normal human. Playing an elf should feel different, it just shouldn't be some bonuses and maluses to attributes. This goes for any fantasy race, basically.
Aside from that, elves in video games are fine, sometimes great, sometimes terrible, most of the time just fine. Try to play them instead of making stupid softcore porn threads that always devolve into something far worse.
Lol no, most here just care about the porn and shitpost about them. You are no better either.

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That's never how male blood elves looked like.

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Kill yourself already retarded husbandofag.
You don't give a shit about elves you just want to wank to gay shit.

elves with guns! Elves with tanks! Elves with fighter jets!
Ace combat with elves! Wargame with elves!
(other fantasy races are also ok because the elves need something to shoot at other than each other)

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For instance Elf from Dragon's Crown is one of my favorite video game elves despite being barely a character. The reason is that she actually plays differently. She plays how you would expect from a high agi, low con elf, flying over the enemies and raining down arrows. Also being inherently magical is nice.
Go fuck yourself, you just want porn and shitposting threads

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Character designs in that game are dogshit. Worthless fucking coomer husbandofags like you will never be welcome here.
All you care about is posting fanart of men you jerk off to.

I have a big folder of Elf (DC) fanart. Unfortunately, since almost everyone else in these godforsaken shitposting threads is already posting cheap and shitty off-model fapbait of exclusively female elves (half the time not even based on any game), I don't feel like posting that folder.
This is your fault.

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extensive information on elven physiology and anatomy. I will not take "they're just magic humans lol" as an excuse.

Yes, I'm sure you are punishing us by posting your husbandofaggotry and not because you are a degenerate gay.
You don't give a shit about elves, you just want to get dicked down by a pretty boy because you are a subhuman.
What the fuck is wrong with you husbandofags?

Your mental illness is assuming that the only reason for why someone would post elves is because of sexual reasons. Like the true pornbrain you are, you cannot fathom that someone might like elves for other reasons, like lore, gameplay, badass, fun or interesting characters, or appreciated their aesthetics beyond "blonde bimbo with pointy ears".
Alright, back to truly ugly mer. You wanted this. Because pic related is exactly what gays are into, right?

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>This is your fault.

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>Your mental illness is assuming that the only reason for why someone would post elves is because of sexual reasons. Like the true pornbrain you are, you cannot fathom that someone might like elves for other reasons, like lore, gameplay, badass, fun or interesting characters, or appreciated their aesthetics beyond "blonde bimbo with pointy ears".
See >Lol no, most here just care about the porn and shitpost about them. You are no better either.
Your retarded husbandofag brain shorts as soon as you see a female elf because all you can think of sex after which you throw a tantrum and spam the elves you find hot and want to have sex with.
What a pitiful existence that all you can think about is sex.

Browse this board for more than a week and you realize that most of these threads are not made for talking about video games. This one isn't doing that either. You can kick and scream, but just let's observe how this thread will go.
Here, have another oh so attractive male elf to be gay about.

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I've been here longer than you've been able to walk. All I see is you posting your gay husbandofag shit because you can't stop sexualising elves.
You have never cared for games, you just want to image dumb your shit because you know you can get away with it as a gay minority.
Posting females bad, posting males good amirite?