Witcher combat if good and fun

ALL the complaints about witcher combat, 100% without one single exception, is actually nothing more then bloodborne fags reeeeeing about "their" game loosing all prizes and a big part of 2015's spotlight by both media and gamers
prove me wrong, small tip, you can't

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Is this game jank like cyberpunk

Never had any problems with combat

great, have an Ciri ass coomer post for you

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The combat is actually, for an open world game, not that bad. It's all the other RPG systems like equipment and leveling that are garbage.


None of the game's systems are garbage. You can argue that they are vastly overshadowed by the quality of the presentation, but nothing more than that.

I hate that we don’t even have the option to play as Ciri in something like New Game+ Considering she has a full moveset in the game already. It’d be cool.

Yeah I think so too, it's not dark souls 3 or sekiro difficulty but the death march is difficult enough for it to be engaging and I never felt like I was too overleveled by just freely exploring the map like I did in the last 1/3-1/4 of elden ring

but then you would lose a big part of what make this game interesting to play for such a long time, all the crafting, leveling weapons, armor, potions, signs etc and changing clothes would require them to program a shitload of armor pieces, they certainly didn't programed her to use all weapons, and she was op as fuck by the end of the game
I agree that it would be really fun, but I don't see them using enough resources to have made it good, I at least expected to see her in Cyberpunk after the reference but since the game is a 6/10 at best even after bug-fixing I'm glad they didn't use her

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i would say that bigger problem are level, both enemy one and items

TW3 combat is serviceable at worst, and the DLC did a way better job of making it fun. Honestly if soulsfags were to never speak on gameplay related topics vidya discussion would be infinitely better. You can't discuss any real-time gameplay combat system without soulskiddies scooting on in and sucking their own dicks.

Couldn’t they just copy-paste the potions system and then just make a minimal amount of extra costumes for Ciri? I’m speaking of this as a non-canon extra mode like Axe Armor from Castlevania.
I mean, I only say this because it’s just weird to NOT use the model when they already created a fully functional unique battle system for her. How hard would a few extra battle voice lines be? They can even mute her or give her voice grunts for quest conversations (or just skip the story stuff entirely).

I know nothing about game programing or programing in general, but it seems to me that changing all the armor from male to female form would take lot of work, but if not to the point of being detrimental to the base game development, I totally agree with you, I full run with her would increase the time I would have played the game by a lot

Ciri can't use potions in the lore because she didn't undergo the trial of the grasses because Triss stopped it because it would ruin her body(Even though Ciri said she took potions in the epilogue of B&W for some reason)

The only annoying part is the idea that Geralt has to struggle at all against some of the humans in combat

I mean I was just imagining like five extra armors, just for variety’s sake. Just made for her in this hypothetical Extra mode.
You’re right, I forgot that, but then again my idea would just be a hypothetical Extra, explicitly non-canon mode just for the excuse to have a playable Ciri in the open world. That’s why I brought up the Axe Armor mode from Castlevania PoR.

Is that screen modded?

don't think so
>Griffin full set + medium armor sign buff
>Then walk and finish off as they lie on the ground
If you find Geralt's pirouette and automatic targeting annoying, there's an Enhanced Targeting mod, it allows full customisation of targeting, you can make Geralt attack ONLY where you are looking so no more looking forward and Geralt attacking backward
This comes with the implication of being able to Counterattack in quick succession then you get to pick which target to finish off which is cool as fuck. Try counterattacking twice against two bandits, then you must look at one, finish him, then immediately turn around and finish off the other, this gives an immense amount of agency to the player, but of course, it requires extra work

yes, using only the "beaultiful grass" mod, it only increases grass density and barely changes performance

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It was pretty good, nothing really wrong with it and it didn't detract from the world and the stories and quests which were what everybody really cared about.

>Hit square
>One of four things can happen
>Hit left
>...........................geralt turns left
Gameplay is shit

That's how I usually play I just kind of wish Geralt would just ease through human enemies without much thought given how people tend to react to him in game

have a look at this

well but that's with all RPG's, you defeat a god at the first area of the map and close to the end game you're losing to a barefoot shirtless bandit because he is level 87, I don't know a solution to this
in the witcher case it would be really boring to fight monsters only so unless there is a very high number of specialized badasses from this or that great race across all the map, trash mob it is...

Getting the parry arrow skill, and redirecting them back to the shooters during combat thanks to the sound cue makes me feel ecstatic
true witcher moment

horse is jank, was jankier
scenes were jank
corpses still jank out sometimes
you jank out on death a lot
a lotta stuff fixed, but still jank (same with CP2077)
even witcher 2, no matter how on-rails linear it was, handled this stuff 2x better