This whole "multiversus" affair has truly shown how underage and plebian >>>Any Forums truly is...

This whole "multiversus" affair has truly shown how underage and plebian truly is. Have fun with your Sunday morning cartoon characters, kiddos.

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>redditfrog thread sucks ass and 404s instantly
Haha yeah

multiver sus amongus imposter sus

yea we should have fun with adult games for adults (like myself).I suggest super mario or the legend of zelda

Do underage people even know who taz, bugs bunny or tom & jerry are? These are literally cartoons from the 50s

>Do underage people even know???
>Mickey Mouse started in 1920s
Fuck off, midwit. You're too stupid even for Any Forums.

Do kids even know mickey mouse?

When is the last time you touched grass?

>calls others underage
>posts the election frog

thanks for your permission op i will

Literally half the cast would only be known if you were an adult. There is an entire generation of kids right now who feel Bugs Bunny is a literalwho.

OP is a cringe faggot, he's a dumb motherfucker that's for sure. Doesn't even know it's SATURDAY morning cartoons, that's how fucking dumb and gay he is.

He needs a good fucking beating is what he needs, more-so than even the leftists posting here. They ALL need a good fucking series of beatings to be frank and I'd go even further to say some torture is required too. Just fucking flay 'em, make them scream I say.

The billionaire pedo shadow cult corps crested new shows from Disney and pixar every week and nobody knows about it because everyone realizes they're all Jews and eventually the great recession caused all the jew corps stock price to plummet

So are we beating, torturing or murdering? You seem unsure where to settle.

>billionaire pedo shadow cult corps crested Disney pixar nobody knows they're all Jews great recession jew corps stock price
Prime schizo material here holy shit

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Has there been a month that has blown Any Forums up more consistently than July 2022 did? The amount of impotent rage regarding these games will provide memories and laughter until I am old and infirm

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No murdering just the beating and torturing and I assume the beating will be part of the torturing.

Go back there

If you can dox the faggot, I'd be happy to help. But most likely you're incapable of doing anything substantial. The worst you'll ever be able to do is post angrily in an "anonymous" forum. You should definitely go kill yourself.

Woah buddy, check your aggression at the door this is a saturday morning cartoon video game board.

Did you mean to (you) me, or was it meant for the guy literally calling for a lynching?