Post games that got better with time

Post games that got better with time.

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More like post games that killed a long running franchise

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It didn't get better with time, it was always good
Kojimafags get the rope

Attached: NES-E2-USA-REV-A.jpg (265x363, 64.21K)

Survive was good. Too bad gamers are autistic freaks and will have all kinds of arbitrary reasons to irrationally hate something.

the servers still work? i really wanted to play it but whenever you mentioned it people shat their pants and lost their minds.

This is a guilty pleasure of mines as a longtime Metal Gear fan. It's surprising very punishing and hardcore for a Survival game. I would say its better than MGSV TPP and sure as hell better than Piss Wanker. You actuallt manage your base and resources unlike TPP.

Not single-player?

thought it was ""single player"" but always online with some multiplayer features
am i wrong?

I actually bought this on release and enjoyed it, the multiplayer was the best part.

Isn't Survive some hilariously bastardized form of Death Stranding basically? It looks like someone described Death Stranding to a 5 year old and had the 5 year old describe it back to Konami. I do think it's interesting that Kojima had many of the same ideas circulating before leaving Konami.

Ok, you start.

I don't know, that's why I'm asking.

>Thread full of fagots defending monetized save slots and shitty survival mechanics.
>Still finding a way to blame Kojima for it being hated.
L to the fucking MAO

Survive came out over a year earlier than Death Stranding


Same faggots will defend bf2042 in future


>monetized save slots
brainlet lol

Nu-Any Forums will defend malware/spyware

>shitty survival mechanics
But people like MGS3

you first

It's like coming to a zoo for retards.

I know my point is that Kojima had clearly shared elements of Death Strandings design to Konami and after he left it was up to the team at Konami to take those elements and make the game, which clearly they didn't understand.