Without being a contrarian or hiding behind layers of irony, state a legitimate vidya opinion you have

Without being a contrarian or hiding behind layers of irony, state a legitimate vidya opinion you have.

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Sex with Miku!

Nioh 1, Code Vein, The Surge duolgy and Remnant from the Ashes are good games.
Senran Kagura is a mediocre series.

I don't like open world games, generally, I think it's bad game design. That said, I very much enjoyed Elden Ring.

I find rhythm games to be shallow and unenjoyable.

videogames are the most integrated medium capable of making art
combining imagery, audio, narrative, and most of all, interactivity, the video game is pretty much the final frontier in exploring how to create new experiences for human beings
perhaps only exceeded when we finally merge brain with electronic components

I won't.

I think choices in video games are an interesting idea, but more often than not just get in the way of telling a good story. Unless you have like 20 different endings or something, just don't bother.

Women and minorities are ruining video games.

TES are not only real rpgs, they are among the very best video rpgs in existence because they offer the greatest freedom to choose your character, playstyle and path.

no more heroes 2 isn't that bad

saying something is "bad design" without expanding on it further is so retarded and i keep seeing here so often
you can have prejudice against open world games if you played too much bad ones where lazy devs just put you in open space without anything else to do in there, but then you just spew that you don't like them because its bad design, nigger what, what do you even know about design and good open world design or game design in general, what is this vague non committal shit

Breath of the Wild was fun but definitely overhyped because it was Nintendo fans' first open world game

I genuinely believe that legend of Zelda games are super overrated. I genuinely don't understand what people enjoy about them.

Yes gaming has gotten worse as it has been taken over by bean counters and focus groups, but there are still legitimately good games coming out. Not as much as it us to but still the hobby is far from dead.

Final Fantasy 6 is a shitty movie game that ruined RPGs both east and west for all time

Open world inherently lends itself to lazy copy-pasted design and repetitive content, there isn't enough talent and manpower to overcome that. Elden Ring mitigated a lot of it by having different rewards at each poi and a complete lack of any immersion-breaking NPCs, but it copy pasted several bosses 5+ times throughout its 120-hour playtime and had two tilesets for all its side dungeons.

The end number of good games per year releases is the same as it always has been, it's just proportionally lower because the end number of shit games is magnitudes higher.
Also I 100%'d both Stray and Elden Ring and I can't decide which game is better overall, they're both GOTY material.

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After the end of World War II, the world was split into two -- East and West. This marked the beginning of the era called the Cold War

katamari damacy is one of the best games of all time

i don't play em

There has never been a well written story, or character, in the entire history of video games. I invite you to post even one single example. However, you cannot list a single character that talks, or appears in a cutscene.

Why? My legitimate vidya opinion is that you're never allowed to tell a story in video games UNLESS it can be done 100% through gameplay. Something like gradius has a good video game story, because it's nonexistent. Movie lovers think games need to be grandoise arthouse spectacles, and it sickens me.

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Only 20% of Sonic games are actually bad, everything else ranges between mediocre to excellent.

Brothers: a tale of two sons
Sonic 3 & Knuckles

Breath of the Wild, Xenoblade Chronicles X, Metroid Prime, Pokemon Black 2 and White 2, Super Mario World, and Super Mario Galaxy 2 are the best games in their respective series

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Cyberpunk 2077 is the best game I've played all year.

The only game among those that actually has a somewhat passable story is Rainworld. All of the others have too many cutscenes.

I don't think you should stop liking a videogame just because people you don't have interact with also happen like it.

Jews are the children of Satan

Voice acting is unnecessary and ruined rpgs.

You're right, GMs and players don't need to do funny voices but what ruined RPGs was video games.

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Vidya OSTs peaked from 1995-2003. After this, Vidya music pretty much started emulating film music more explicately and because the tech had gotten better, it became more soulless.

You should have mentioned that it also can't have music or sound assist with telling that story, because that also isn't gameplay. Or anything beyond ASCII graphics, because that's also just a distraction.

>sonic jumps offscreen instead of just cut transition
>90s something kids game about colored animals
>sonic's and knuckles's rivalry turned friendship because of robotnik's treachery
>without a single word
>not great fucking story
Fuck off

Turn-based combat is the purest and most essential form of gameplay which is why it has endured for half a century (far longer if you consider tabletop RPGs) while so many other genres have fallen.

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Any game that takes control away from the player for more than 3 minutes after the initial opening cutscene is garbage.

If you wouldn't play your favorite game on mute, on the lowest graphics setting, then can you truly say that you enjoyed it?

Considering the autism storm that Sonic became after that, maybe it did more harm than good. Did we really need edgy hedgehog OCs and sonic 06? guess where those games came from?

You're talking tl ACfag, his schtick is that anything that isn't gameplay in the strictest sense is unnecessary and bad. He used to only think like this for cutscenes, but people made fun of him and pointed out stuff like music, so he forced himself to consider music bad, too.

You're a legitimate retard. Video games are a marriage of a variety of artforms, including verbal writing. By your standard, video games having music, writing or graphic design beyond gray blocks and hitboxes are also distractions.
When people say "only gameplay matters" it means that they don't care much about the story; you're taking this to an absurd logical extreme that nobody in their right mind should believe.

90% of the games Any Forums gets mad about aren’t fun in the first place

I’m twice as likely to buy a game if it prominently features an attractive female character

If it wasn't sonic it would bubsy or aero the acrobat some other animal game.
furfags were inevitable, sonic just took it for the team

>If you wouldn't play your favorite game on mute, on the lowest graphics setting, then can you truly say that you enjoyed it?
I wouldn't read my favorite book without the "unnecessary" fluff like descriptions and such removed in order to attain the pure plot-reading experience, no.

>old bad because new bad

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if you're a neet and you don't know what else to do other than vidya because it's all you know, then you shouldn't be playing vidya. you should never play vidya to fill a void, only to pass the time

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Vidya has terrible genre definitions, calling something an RPG or Action/Adventure tells you nothing about it, at least shit like "Soulslike" gives you some idea of what to expect even if the name is gay.

Video games as a whole have gotten better over time. There are plenty of good old games, but new games continue to push the limits and refine the enjoyable parts of old games. Anyone that won't admit this is just being a curmudgeon blinded by their desire to recapture a lost youth.

>If you wouldn't play your favorite game on mute, on the lowest graphics setting, then can you truly say that you enjoyed it?
Music and sound effects are complimentary to gameplay though. Dynamic music can alert you to a change in your situation while sound effects are even more obvious in terms of audio cues, etc.

I legit ignore games with ugly female characters, even gameplay or story seems interesting
Like Control or Returnal.
If their protags were dudes or robots or beautiful women, I'd most likely buy them.

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Except all the most popular vidya music today is of the type that doesn't try to copy Hans Zimmer but instead relies on old samples and chiptune, and this kind of music is more popular than ever. When you think of video game music, you think of these, and these are fucking everywhere.

Two times zero is still zero, user.

counter point: you're going to die anyways, might as well spend your time the way you enjoy the most