Dev thread

Are you going to spend your holidays making a shitty game?

Attached: game_engine.png (1024x768, 59.63K)

How old are you, 12?

what? like christmas holidays? i've no idea if i'm even alive anymore when it's christmas time

I'm 19 and I still have them

No I'm going to spend probably the rest of the year making no game because every time I hit a road block like a bug it takes 2 weeks to fix.

Hopefully. I just spent yesterday banging my head across the desk figuring out how to get the new navigation shit working in Godot so there's progress happening I think.

Godot's logo looks retarded.

Godot dev here, we modelled it after you.

What holidays are even coming up? Either way Ive just been fooling around with pico 8 in the evenings.

Attached: 1659363498784.gif (384x384, 346.07K)

Any Forums gamedev thread suicide pact when

Thanks, it brings out my best parts.

/agdg/ had one of those a while back

I added portals to the sides of the screen, so that character always stays in the camera view
Might be simple, but it's fun

Attached: gaemu.webm (956x574, 63.48K)

nice joust clone

Of course

>chang engine
you are viewing paid content
including GODOT here doesn't save you from shill title, faggot OP

What problems are you guys stuck on currently?

Attached: 1591380375861.jpg (739x673, 73.52K)

I completely removed huge walls of code for the 17th time because I can't get network working right

snowboard game but instead going down you go up the mountain with rocket propelled board

Attached: mtgcard.jpg (512x374, 30.41K)

I'm really bad at architecture.

experimenting with how realistic my guns should be for maximum fun

Wait really?
Well, it's an unintentional clone since I never even knew about Joust.
it's supposed to be a simple shitpost where you just fight waves of enemies with three different character classes.
I plan to release it in under a week to check if I still have the skill in Unity

how to replicate the 2D tutorial by heart so i can make a shmeup without resorting to asset flipping a template

I finished up the first drafts of every single sidequest, over 55 in all. Now I'm just kinda doing bugfixes on various things.

Attached: UnderspaceTickerCoreFightNA.webm (1280x720, 2.85M)