Can valve fix the matchmaking?

Its either the enemy is much better or my team is much better. If I win like 4 games with good teammates, while the enemy is noticeably worse everyone of them, and then suddeny I get games where the opposite happens and I have to play 1v9 which is just not fun its a torture on top of that people are so toxic even at 10k behavior, so its useless too.

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>Can valve fix

anonymous mode: on
techies: locked in
yup its another good gamer night

Valve created the single most unbalanced online game mode with L4D1/2's Versus, so I doubt it. I never played a single match of that where it wasn't completely one-sided. Dota 2 is worse in that you're punished for leaving even when most matches are decided early on. Playing the "Wait For The Enemy To Mess Up" game is extremely boring.
Dota would benefit from a mode designed to end in 10-15 minutes. Turbo sucks.


>Too many smurfs
It's a lost cause

clueless user here, how is l4d versus unbalanced? i never even played it so i have no way of knowing but i was thinking of trying it out

why would they bother? they make all their money as a digital storefront. DotA 2 is Valve's last priority.

Did they remove the low priority shit or is my account still fucked?

just play unranked, stay far far away from ranked. you'll have a much better time trust me

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Good rule of thumb for all MOBA games

Just keep picking up techies.
Or Huskar.

it's because the game itself is balanced around SP, the MP is just for fun. this is because L4D came out just before everything needed to be e-sports. Versus had all kinds of goofy shit going on. turns out that Special Infected can move some of the scenery around, you used to be able to melee a generator in front of an elevator and make it inescapable for the survivor team to finish the level. it's also pretty viable to just die until everyone on your team has an ideal infected and you can set up some stellar ambush at a chokepoint or during a big horde. bonus points if they trigger a tank around the same time.
it just lacks the sort of lunatic polish and obsessive "balancing" that modern MP games see.

In L4D1/2's current state, I have no idea how it plays. I played a regular public match with a friend a few months ago and there are still people who spend their time joining games, team killing, then getting kicked, and repeating the process. As for Versus, it didn't seem like the matchmaking took anything into account. Didn't matter how many hours either side had in the base game or in the versus mode. Because of that, you'd get people who didn't even know how to control the infected vs a team of 4 that never split and probably completed every map on Expert Realism. Or you'd get a match where the infected knew every trick to kill, down, or force off a ledge the survivors. Beyond that, the game is very limited because of the number of spots where infected can do anything against experienced players. And the number of things you can do in general. It's a lot of the same thing over and over again.

>play my first dota 2 pvp match
>this venomancer guy looks cool
>I dont know what im doing
>some guy is yelling at me to do a camp
>I try to do a camp
>I die
>we lose
>play my second dota 2 pvp match
>play Io because why not
>also no idea what im doing
>match is dragging on for a fucking hour
>1 afk on our team and 2 on enemy
>we are still losing but very slowly
>just start teleporting some long ranged idiot to the enemy core on cooldown until we win
>it was still a close win
>never play again
thanks for reading my blog
should I give the game another chance?

unironically play some solo bot games, try to consistently get op against insane bots. also look up some videos to know the basics of dota 2, or play the newly added tutorials. it's a tough learning curve but personally it's worth it

Play bot matches and learn a few characters. Also, while playing the bot games, pause the game to read the abilities of the enemy heroes.

And I believe there is still a limited queue, where only simply heroes like Zeus and Wraith King are available.

this guy also reminded me that players are a lot more creative than the AI too. if you give a competent human control of the Smoker or the Charger on a map with any real verticality, they're getting a kill. Hunters can wait until players pass a point of no return and catch the last guy before they jump down, rendering them unsavable by the rest of their squad. it's little stuff like that.

Dota Cinema has a great playlist of 1-3 minute hero introductions. Some of the specific numbers might change, but the overall idea of the heroes is the same.

Maybe they’ll say they’ll do it, leave you waiting for months, and then bail on you. They’re pretty good at that.

Valve screwed over the Artifact fanbase by cancelling the Artifact 2.0 beta without even allowing users to invite friends like they said they would in January 2021 and does not deserve your financial support for these gross consumer-unfriendly practices.

oh yeah I had a pvp game with that poison dragon too. For some reason I was shitting on the enemy team and getting team kills but next time I tried it (after a few months) I apparently went with the wrong build and got fucked and flamed
what are some retard proof heroes that preferably dont get raped when a bloodseeker looks your way?

>play with some new people who want to get into dota
>first 3 games are vs 5 stack russians
>invoker scripting, spamming ggez in all chat
I don't think they'll keep playing. Starting dota2 has to be absolute dogshit nowadays

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there aren't really any retard proof heroes, but tanky heroes will help your team by being a damage sponge, so even if you suck you'll help. what position do you like to play the most?

im still dumb when it comes to dota so I would prefer a dual lane
dont know the meta but solo lanes are a pass from me until I know what im doing and jungle seems like the most complicated role
oh and I suck at last hitting due to playing too much hots

i would say choose about 5 heroes to play and practice with them, there's also a mode to practice last hitting. watching some videos is the best way to at least have an idea on what to do, if you're clueless you will throw many games

play with a friend or even better play with a team of friends, if you really cant then you'll probably have to watch some lectures on youtube on how to play your hero first and fundamentals, also just mute your team when you start.

Stick to offlane. Get a tanky motherfucker with one button moves and just absorb damage, like Tidehunter or Wraith King (play him like an offlane, the enemy team will focus you because you are normally the carry but you have 2 lives).

just git gud

Just stop playing CopeA. Game was never good.

that squirrel is pure SEX