You do prefer your characters on-model, right Any Forums?

You do prefer your characters on-model, right Any Forums?

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For porn? No real preference, they're not real anyway.

Yes. Everyone draws oversized proportions.


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I don't mind the ocational off-model with GIGANTIC tits.
But for the most part, I preffer them to be on-model.

Of course not, I'm a red-blooded man with a thirst for fertile Venus-bods. I probably didn't even play the game the character is from so their original appearance is irrelevant to me.

But what if she was fat?

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I can't help but enjoy seeing off-model bodies with gigantic muscles. Obviously, on-model art is superior.

I draw off-model fanart
You cannot stop me

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looks like shit

Yes. It's simply the best.

Off-model can be okay as long as it doesn't change defining features.
Giving a generic body larger breasts is comlpetely fine.
But if it is a character like Lightning for example, then making her curvy is not okay, because it completely changes her.
Or giving Minoto from MH Rise normal feet or 5 fingers, drawing Ranni from ER with 2 arms and normal skin only blue. That is not okay.

I know

I love on model

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Should have been done from the start.

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kys hex scum

Based and same

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Offmodel art creates schizo fans
I swear devs have gotten death threats over "muh censorship" chuds over false pretenses that horny fanart is supposedly on-model when it isn't

Yes of course.

I'm still going to bow my load to Rosalina's biker suit in Mario kart


What if characters being fatter than they normally are is the only thing I can fap to, but I still largely prefer when it's done in a way that still takes their canon proportions into consideration?

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>Offmodel art creates schizo fans
>character is almost exclusively drawn off-model with the same bimbo body you see in every fanart
>drawfriend takes it upon himself to actually draw the character on-model
>one schizo immediately makes it his life goal to autistically yell "TRANNYTRANNYTRANNY" at the delivery and every time the drawfag delivers any drawing
>he keeps up the autistic screeching for months

Literally never seen that happen, but the inverse is something I see all the time. Are you trying to bait?

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>i haven't seen this personally so that means it doesn't happen
Are you?

It happens in DMs
You cannot see it as an outsider