Why are European players in online games so rude...

Why are European players in online games so rude? They think they're the shit and act sophisticated like they're better than everyone else. It's kinda cringe. I play League of Legends and the actual nice ones I get along with even told me they migrated to NA servers because people in EUW are so toxic and rude.

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Seething amerishart hooves wrote this

That's Russians Romanians gypsy's and indian's.
You will never find a the same problem with actual European's

i notice in american servers the ones with euro accents tend to be the most combative. i think it has to do with them constantly running into people from other countries and hardening their heart with nationalism.

I love Fourth of July. Not because of the BBQ or the fireworks. But it's all the seething European comments I get to read online

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Taliban won

Well no shit, imagine a Latvian and Russian in a lobby together.


my hotwife kay and her gorgeous BBFs!

((((Westerners)))) are trying to make the western world in demolition man.
Basically you're too much of a pussy.

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I hate american but love american caricatures, Kay is cute.

>2400 dead americans and over 20000 wounded
>Taliban in charge right now and americans pulling out
How is this a win lmao?

>I play League of Legends
Stopped reading right there, already know whatever it is isn't worth reading

What were the criteria of winning? I mean regardless if they win or lose they have to leave somehow. Lol. It's kinda a stupid post user.

Cope image

How come European women love American culture so much?

its there insecurity complex even shit tier state mogs 99% of entire countrys economy

>Why are European players in online games so rude? They think they're the shit and act sophisticated like they're better than everyone else
oh, that's just the english; the rest are fine. i'd much rather have a russian or a chink than an englishman

They are opportunists.

>Why are European players in online games so rude?
Why are American players in online games so fucking sensitive? Gonna cry, bitch? What happened to the ideal of the big strong American who isn't upset by anyone?

So that's just women in general lol got it

Being brave online and offline are 2 different things. I'd beat the ever living shit out of you in real life.

it's not just women. i've traveled extensively and the entire world is completely obsessed with american media and the american mainstream.
europeans wanted to talk about shit like late-night talk shows with me and i just don't do that kind of garbage; they can barely recommend me musicians from their own country because they're too busy listening to american pop and hip hop; i ask for locations of museums, in their language, and some of them have no idea the place even exists. before you say anything, i can point you to museums in both of the bigger towns where i live near.
i know this other guy who goes around looking for local myths and folklore and he says that none of them know shit and they look at him as if he's crazy

all in all, most euros are just like most retarded americans where they have shit for brains that rotted while looking at american mainstream media.
and when they come over here, they are absolutely stunned at the fact that regular americans can have huge homes and multiple cars in their driveways

you know how "car culture" took over america and whenever anyone builds anything, they HAVE to think of cars coming and going so they need big parking lots and parking structures? yeah, well, euros imitated this, too, but their city layouts are still made for walking so they jam pack it with cars and clog everything up