How do you feel about gaming when you're over 30...

How do you feel about gaming when you're over 30? Will you continue gaming for the rest of your life or do you think you'll one day "outgrow" gaming?

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Games are toys with flashing lights.
Everyone should move on when they become an adult.

1 Corinthians 13:11
When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

Entering my 30s I've never regretted the time I spent on video games. I regret not spending more if anything

Considering how absolute shit the world state is, no i won't "outgrow" gaming..
I won't stop enjoying things just because other adults stopped feeling feelings and want others to also stop.

>Retards quoting The Bible not knowing the context

Why is gaming bad but spending time on a racist pedophile board about games good then?

Find myself playing indies or completely modded to hell and back older titles, when I have what little time. Modern AAA is too soulless to deal with anymore.

Attached: stalker anomaly.png (1920x1080, 1.32M)

Hopefully I'll be dead in a car crash before I reach 30.

Im just join the anime once im bored.

>do you think you'll one day "outgrow" gaming?
Probably not

t. 33 year old boomer

I'm 34 and I still play games. It's my main hobby, I doubt I'll ever stop. I certainly wouldn't stop because of how people will perceive me over it. If they don't like it, fuck 'em. Gaming itself is more likely to kill my interest simply because most modern games these days don't appeal to me really. I bought a PS4 when it came out and you know how many games I bought for it? Like 5 in its entire lifespan. Meanwhile I had like, 30 PS3 games? The PS5 is pretty much a non-factor for me, I can't express how little I want one. My Switch gets more use but even then, the amount of games I own for my Switch is nothing in comparison to what I had even on the Wii/Gamecube. The vast majority of my gaming now is on PC, playing older titles, emulation, indie games, etc. I'm just over AAA gaming.

explain the context then. this is just a cope to dismiss the meaning

Gaming will only become more socially acceptable with time.

There is nothing to outgrow.

>Games are toys with flashing lights.
>Everyone should move on when they become an adult.
That's just your opinion boomer.

I'm 36 and I still enjoy playing video games, so why would I stop?
That being said, it is harder and harder to actually find games I do enjoy. Especially modern games.
I play maybe 2 new games a year. Very rare to get much more than that.

Do you outgrow other hobbies?
It will probably stay with my until I die.

As long as I balance it with other adult suff, it's not an issue.

The definitive edition of Age of Empires 2 is really good. Maybe the best remaster I've ever played.

>unironically linking reddit
go back there

I'll be turning 30 soon and I'm already over gaming.
Every year it's just the same repeats of games I've already played over and over again.
Can (You) name any game in the past decade that has done something completely original? Where you pick it up, have to learn the controls because you didn't already "know" them, and be razzled and dazzled by it? Wow! Did THAT just happen? This game is incredible!
Yeah, that doesn't happen anymore. At least not until I develop alzheimers.

I tried Tinder for a few months and there's a lot of women on there that will immediately reject you if they find out you play games. Some women just outright state no gamers in their bios. I thought that was pretty funny.

Damaged woman who takes it out on games rather than her ex boyfriend (the origin of all random opinions like that from a woman).

Love never fails. But where there are prophecies,they will cease; where there are tongues,they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away.For we know in partand we prophesy in part,but when completeness comes,what is in part disappears.When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhoodbehind me.
"The way of childhood" as in the magical stuff, miracles, prophecies, turning water into wine, etc. will disappear as the Church mature and become "complete". It's just a nice metaphor to wrap that up, not a parable about actual toys.