Don't ever use game scores/reviews as an argument again

Gamers' opinions are worthless

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reset the counter

souls shit is garbage with bad combat and even worse controls, stray is over hyped trash for zoomers and plebit users

Regardless of what you might feel, those scores are completely accurate.
The simple fact that I actually felt like replying Stray and not Elden Ring proves this.

But that score was accurate for the shitty PC port, stupid Elden shill.

That's kind of the issue with OPEN WORLD games isn't it. Even if and when they're good more often than not they're just too bloated and big and makes replaying them kind of a pain. Like when you really break Dark Souls 1 down, it's kind of short. Especially the better you get at it. But because of it's brevity it's actually more fun to go in and dick around with new builds and if you hit a wall where it starts to suck or you realize you don't like it and want to start over you're not really put out.

We get it, you love cocks.

Stray felt like a pretty fresh experience. Elden Ring felt like playing any other post-DeS souls game., but with tons of samey catacomb dungeons and so much boss rehashing none of them felt interesting by the end of the game.

Elden ring is just more soul borne fromsoftshart
I havent even touched Stray and it seems orginal and enticing

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>nooo my mid souls game can't be a 7.0

It's time you grow up and start accepting criticism. You can't act like a sperg all your life, incel

Shazam won

But what if they like cock?

>spouting buzzwords

Holy based

Yes, stop spouting buzzwords.

kitty kitty purrr pspspsp wins again.

The irony is the non-linear nature is supposed to encourage repeat playthroughs, but it just does the opposite for me.

extremely based. this guy gets it

which one outnumbers us? That's right casual gamers. Easy games equal a higher score.
Bonus points if it has a dog or some sort of pet in it. They eat that shit up.

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The problem with user reviews are the constant 10s and 0s, that and review bombing. I will say though that the true score usually resides somewhere in-between critic and user scores.

The only correct opinion of a fellow gamer. Based.

Yeah sure OP. Now get back in the fucking filter.

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In this case they are completely spot on though.

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Is elden ring user score really? This has to be shopped

I replayed a bit of stray only because it was such a short game i didnt feel like I got my money's worth. That doesnt make it a better game than elden ring, elden ring was like an 8 course dinner, i didnt feel like replaying because i was fully satisfied.