Thrall cheated

Thrall cheated.

And he was never held accountable for it. I refuse to take any of the lore after Pandaria seriously because it’s obvious Blizzard has just been making it up as they go for years. There is no single vision for the story or even a broader narrative arc that connects expansions. Any hope of a planned story was thrown out the window when Blizzard decided it was okay to cut out entire storylines from expansions because of deadlines.

Garrosh was the last good character Blizzard ever made.

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Are there any characters that are Blizzard favorites and don't suck/cheat?

WoW's "modern lore" became Thrall & Friends: the Animated Series halfway through WotLK.
Watching these Power Ranger-tier characters going through some shit is so fucking boring, I want to KMS every time someone monologues while a battlefield watches them.

There's no rule that you can't use spells in mak'gora, even in old lore.

Garrosh was a shit character, going overnight from a whiny faggot willing to watch his people die to a screaming retard who doesn't understand how to fight a war except throwing people into a grinder.

dw user the new pixie gendered black gay poly dragon villain will have PHENOMENAL writing im sure

He did pay for it. In Legion he says he can't control the elements the same since that duel, meaning they've bailed on him for cheating, which is one of the reasons he gives Shamans Doomhammer

It wasn't spells. He called upon the elements themselves which are established as seperate beings.

>fight alone in an empty plain
>no observer to be seen
>against a guy no one likes and everyone wants dead
Why would ANYONE hold him accountable? He killed the guy. Job´s done. That is all there is.

Chris metzen


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>Commits sudoku by Sylvanas so he won't have to fix anything
>Redeems himself for all the awful shit he's done to the point he shows up in Anduin's dad vision
Blizzard is fucking gay about the orcs they like


It's insane to me how badly the game nose dives in narrative quality after pandaria. I know a lot of people hate pandaria, but that xpac did actually feel like you were on an adventure in foreign soil, with a coherent plot and stakes, characters that were enjoyable to be around and watch. WoD shit the bed so hard and the game has never recovered since.

looser mentality.

Didn't he lose his shaman powers and became depressed for a while after he killed Garrosh?

As I remember, the Spirits did get pissed at him and took away any magical powers he had.
But then again why am I even talking about this? WoW sucks and it murdered WarCraft as a whole.

>that 30 second incredibly poorly rigged Garrosh cutscene made by an intern was the best part of Shadowlands

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Sure Denathrius was a pretty good villain, to be fair. Shame they blew their load on him and we half-assed Ja'lor as the ultimate evil.

thrall didn't cheat though

And that was always his own personal issues preventing him, the elements of Azeroth didn't give a shit

>And he was never held accountable for it
Didn't he lose his shaman powers for the cheating?

>Went into siege of orgimmar
>Made it to garrosh
>Let him kill me and wiped the raid
>Logged off
>Deleted character
>Uninstalled WoW
No regrets

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Not that World of Shitcraft is canon, but Thrall is also the reason their people even have a fucking home, and half a continent, at that. If not for him they'd be living in shackles and graves from the Burning Legion.
Also, didn't Garosh killed based Cairne? Fuck that faggot.