ITT: Disney Properties You Know Will Never Be In Kingdom Hearts

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This was a surprisingly underrated movie.
Also Treasure Planet is an obvious one.


The Black Cauldron

the soundtrack is REALLY good


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Atlantis is my fave Disney movie. If it was in KH I'd hope Kida would be the party member.

Song of the South

This is my favorite song from the OST. I'm happy to see other kinosseurs know it.

Too many chads. Would overpower the normal main characters

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Atlantis and Treasure Planet.

Muppets probably never.

Good? No one wants your niche garbage

>first post wasn't Indiana Jones
Any Forums is dead

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I legit forgot that's a Disney property, though I've gone on the ride like 999 times.

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This movie was weird.

The ending was incredibly depressing. Why did Disney make such sad movies? Thinking back it probably gave me depression.

Literally my two favorite movies back when I was a child. I'd watch these fucker on vhs on repeat

this gem

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TV shows
>Gravity Falls world with Bill Cypher fight
>Perry the Platypus summon
>Recess kids show up in Twilight Town

Listening to him talk is an experience, the dude was just a completely uninterrupted stream of consciousness. Looking back it's really not that surprising he ended up killing himself, sadly.

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Never ever. Which is a shame because its a perfect fit for the series.

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Did you guys play the ps1 game? I actually beat that shit as a kid it took me weeks to figure out the very first level.

it's a shame that Atlantis, Treasure Planet, and Black Cauldron will never get in because they could be great worlds.

I don’t care if gargoyles actually makes it in, but I would love Xanatos to be a Disney villain in league with the other villains.