Shit Vidya endings

>oh yeah that actually happened..

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yeah sequel bait non-endings have always been cancer across all media

The one and only

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More like a non-ending

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I still can't believe how quicky forgotten Mankind Divided was, all the good will they had from HR pissed away

>tfw he feeds him the aids salad in his brazilian jungle rape prison to make him his evil sidekick

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This is kind of cheating but still
>remember how you thought things went well at the end of the previous game?
>actually, you are wrong and that ending didn't actually happen

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>game suddenly ends just as it was about to get good

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Ghosts was the most bizarre COD I've ever played
>fucking Venezuela takes over the US
>shitty zombies knock off but with aliens
>gun that "prints" its own ammo
>labyrinthine maps because god forbid you use the 3-lane structure
>devs make a big deal about dog companion that gets used maybe once

Good, MD was worse in every single way

Is there any other game ending so bad it crashed the franchise with no survivors?

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>>gun that "prints" its own ammo
pretty sure that was bo3

For me it was the darkness 2. Kill pizza face cult mf, commit suicide, go to asylum, fuck up hell, tell the darkness to go fuck itself, and save Jenny. All good shit. After credits: Jenny gets taken over by a angelus cunt and Jackie goes NOOOO! like in fucking Revenge of the sith Since a third game ain’t happening the after credits never happen and Jackie and Jenny honeymoon in hell/inside the darkness.

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Yeah.... Lol this one is pretty shit
>Gut shot with massive caliber handgun, can't remember what exactly but it's fucking big
>Kinetic rods impact Fed fleet, win the battle, yayyy
>Fuck you, I'm alive, totally fine, no indication of being wounded
>Drag you away, leaving your brother behind and alive for some reason even though you are both critically wounded and could have been finished off easily
>Torture pit in jungle epilogue for 5 seconds
>No other followup, ever

>>devs make a big deal about dog companion that gets used maybe once
That's just the usual cod shenanigans, but the rest of your point are spot on. I fucking hate ghost apologists that say this game was good.
Black ops 3 and black ops 3 zombies had the 2 worst endings in the series, arguably worse than ghosts. BO3 campaign ends with a "you were actually taylor all along!!!" like some wannabe bo1 twist. Zombies ends a garbage level, recycled villain, and then the main characters get sent back in time to continue some dumb fucking time loop bullshit.

Stray. What a piece of shit ending. The entire final 2 chapters of that game were garbage.

ahhh it was Advanced warfare with the IMR

better hub world
better exploration
better gameplay
story was unfinished and clearly a lot of content was cut because of square enix meddling
also forced breach mode bullshit wasting resources on that crap and taking it away from the main game.

MD is a good game it's just flawed and not as concise as HR which had a complete story. MD is an unfinished game with an unfinished story with the second half of the story taken away because of incompetence and greed at square enix.

Looked it up. It was actually Advanced Warfare. But these are all just reskins of the same game anyway.

what's the full story behind what happened?

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I cannot believe this dialogue was actually written. Unreal.

>retards couldn't tell they had no clue what they were doing after 2
You deserve what you got

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SE was pushing them to release the game, and they supposedly forced them to cut the game into two, with the second half of the game made into another that would be developed after MD released. Then MD didn't perform to SE's retarded expectations and the sequel got shelved and they made that shitty avengers game.

Now SE doesn't own Deus Ex anymore, thank god so maybe, just maybe there is hope it will get continued in some form in the future.


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