Sunbreak bread

can't wait to fight his aryan brother in 1 or 29 days

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Don't care, I'm still playing Rise.

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rise is fun
4u is fun
3u is fun
fu is alright

>critique Rise
>not a single mention of World in the post
and that's why Capcom gets away with everything

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Kulve Siege was fun it was just the reward system that was completely retarded. Safi did it way better.

You're gonna have to try harder and not use redditjaks if you want my (You)

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I don't know how anyone enjoyed Kulve or Safi. They were just punching bags you had to kill a lot. It fucking sucked.

>had to
I dont think i ever bothered with kulve. I only did Safi once as part of unlocking fatalis.
If i remember right anyway.

I enjoyed both. Though Kulve pre skip the first few phases is a stretch.

>They were just punching bags you had to kill a lot.
nigga you just described every single monster in the series

But....but world....

In terms of number of stats/slots, I think I got a god charm, but it has redirection on it. Is redirection level 2 any good?

Because getting the best weapon is RNG, in a game where you're encourage to hunt and gather material, then make it. In a few hunts, you're guarantee to have enough materiel to make that weapon. The Kulve raid? You could spend literal months bullying Kulve and not get that weapon that you wanted because RNG. That kind of shit can go to hell and anyone defending that part can burn in it. Safi almost fix it, but previous raid soured that experience. Seriously, fuck the team that OKAY the Kulve raid.

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It doesn't matter what you're hunting as long as you're playing monster hunter. Frontier shouldn't be used as anyone's metric but if you think that's bad the OG Lavi grind would have made you cry.

I need to rush through rise to get to sunbreak. Still havent fought magnamalo yet :(

>that hypers part
Completely agree. Everyone hyped it up as a giga-difficult thing and it ends up being insanely easy with how many times they get stunned on top of mandatory health regen. This is on top of the fact that there are only two good afflicted mons to fight while everyone else is either not included or LR monsters

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this is how I feel about the deco grind in world. It literally ruined the game for me.

The fun part was doing p1 runs desu. The devs never really intended for people to kill them in a single run but it could be done, it required proper builds, doing the right thing at the right time and simple coordination with your team. It was difficult but very rewarding when you pulled it off.

Kulve is literally the single reason to bother with a piece of dog shit world is

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Yeah, anons complaining about the talimans melding forget the deco grinding. For fuck sake, the World team purposely shit on the players by having two shitty monster, one being the most hated monsters at the time Lavafish, as a deco farming event.

Different situation for me when it comes to decos because by the time I hit MR content, I had enough decos to make multiple sets. Meanwhile, I dont even have a good charm in Rise and I'm MR150.

Here's an even better way to see it. In World, If you cheat in decos, that's fine cause it's not gonna make you OP as hell and nobody would care. However, cheating in god charms in Rise gives you shit that would legit change the outcome of hunts by a lot and people can see that easily

World: you can get decos from hunts and melds
Rise: you can only get them from melds

See the problem here? even the older MH titles also had charms drop from hunts. But hey, its okay when Rise does gacha shit and they're gonna add another layer of gachashit soon for armor

That deco grind really burn me to hell and back and never did buy ice born

>defending lobbies
SOS was trash and yes 16-person rooms did encourage kliqs.