ITT Objectively bad game design in otherwise good games

>Bullet damage depends on how good you are at the game

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RE4 has this too. Can't imagine being that bad though.

>you need to beat the game to win
what was capcom thinking

>dynamic difficulty
>if you're not taking enough damage, then you will start to take more damage

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The difference between RE4 and RE2 demake is that RE4 doesn't include RNG when calculating how much damage it takes to kill enemies.

>find a pair pistols
>can't just take one, you have to take both of them as a pair

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If RE2make had the music of re2 and less obnoxious dialogue it would be perfect

>game punishes you for being good at the game and helps you for being bad
What the fuck is wrong with developers?

how is that different than the original? how is it different from any of the modern resident evils going back to 4? In the o.g. version you could be shooting a zombie 6 times or more before you even downed it.

No it doesn't, less enemies will appear if you die too many times in one area but not actual damage numbers changing.

>game challenges you more for being good at the game and helps you for being bad

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People complain about Alcina not being like him but it's a good thing since all he did is be annoying not actually making anything difficult

I want to like this game so bad but the pvp aspect feels so fucking broken. pve i can deal with, but i'll put multiple bullets into a player on the server and they're fine but i get shot fucking once by a shotgun from someone that isn't close to me and i'm dead.

Maybe they've balanced things out since i last played, but holy shit was it frustrating. Such a pretty game and absolutely amazing audio but the pvp just felt broken.

They took that shit from Resident Evil 4. People praised that scaling difficulty, but I fucking hate it.

When you know how it works, you can just cheese the game by purposefully playing bad just to decrease the difficulty. It's fucking stupid, they should have just went with the typical easy and hard settings.

Ganado health decreases. This is a fact. I always play on pro but I watched my nephew play it on normal he was killing enemies with way less ammo than normal because adaptive difficulty made it easier for him.

Does it work the same way on professional?

What version do you have? There are also critical shots that occasionally pop heads quickly, having nothing to do with difficulty or dying at all.

While partially true increasing the critical rate is exactly one of the things the adaptive difficulty does when your low on ammo.

These by far are my biggest gripes with the game
It gets to the point when you can land 6 focused headshots and the zombie is still walking towards you
You aim carefully and keep cool and land headshots, only for the game to go
>"You're playing too well. Here, take some damage so you can feel some tension."
It doesn't make me feel tense to empty an entire magazine into a zombie's face only for him to power through and still bite me, its just annoying because I know that if I were to have let him bite me before shooting he'd require fewer bullets to go down

You can cheese any game one way or another dont make it sound like it's anything exclusive to resident evil. I've only seen cheesing done by autist for speedrun 2&3 because having a certain amouny of health or ammo matters. Speedrunning is for queers and are in the miniority people who play the games anyways.

would you prefer it be like the original where you ended up having a million rounds of ammo and everything was a cake walk? like it or not their difficulty adjustment is a decent system except for re3 because they turn it off for nightmare but keep it on for infernal for some reason.

I was wondering that when playing it. I thought I messed it up but the game is just fucked

Why not just aim for the knees. In the originals (sans Code Veronica) you can kill everything no sweat

>respawning enemies
>while also having limited supplies

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