What did you think about him?

What did you think about him?

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nice tongue

>find him at red rocket

is this the thread?

most boring companions in games are animals

i loved dogmeat and i hate any game where you have to kill dogs because the psycho jew game makers always put a whining sound as they die, no matter how evil or demonic they may be
i also could not stand fighting sabrewulf or playing as him because his sounds bothered me
>jews hate dogs because they are the only animal humans can truly trust and jews hate when the goy has trust


He's a synth, right?

>All dogs are good boys
KYS tranny

He’s really bad. Vacuums up stimpacks, carry limit is nil, always alerting enemies, and blocks you more than any other companion.

I want a mod where you can put power armor on him

This is dog.

I changed mine to a pitbull because I felt like it was more savage and I would be scared more by a pitbull coming at me than a German Shepard if I was a raider

good early game ally, shreds through ghouls especially. against gunners, synths, mutants, or decently equipped raiders he quickly becomes a burden.

Good for muling
Shit and annoying for combat
Annoying when he "found" something but leads to nothing
Appreciated him not judging me and being annoying for it PIPER

only people who dont like dogs are chinks and nigs, so which one are you pussy

I did not care for him, I don't like dogs and I disliked that the game forced it on me

I did not once think about this. What the fuck

I never said I dont like dogs retard. I said not thinking to kill a dog thats attacking you because "Hes a heckin good boy!" is cringe and retarded

A shame that since you can only have one companion you have to dump him soon after you get him. What's the point of giving you a dog that's inferior to all the other companions. Just for some faggots who want to play "lone wanderer" characters?

just mod it lmao

It’s been years since I’ve played without that mod that lets dogmeat not count as your companion. Either way I always just travel with dogmeat and nobody else because I don’t like being judged by the shitty companions


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