Tera 2 is going to happen. Its inevitable if they want to survive...

Tera 2 is going to happen. Its inevitable if they want to survive. The GIANT and slow spike down after they announced Tera's shut down was the biggest indicator that they could have gotten.

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Just play lost-ark

Does anyone care about Elyon? Should have just made that Tera 2.

>just play a massively overrated game

Tera's combat is the best in the genre, its undeniable. Lost ark has no where near the same depth. You are just pressing buttons in that game.

Elyon went from 1.1k active players back in january (which is still dead), to just 100 active players over the few months Tera announced it was shutting down and its eventual shutdown.

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Sad that they have such a good base to work with and can't stop fucking up

Its an insanely good base. infact all they really need is the combat engine/mechanics, improve it a bit, slap on some Elins, and they can do whatever the fuck they want.

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I sure hope so, Tera was the most fun MMO I ever played.

I miss my Elin bros...it's not fair

we all do

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ITT coomers think everyone else can play an mmo long term by being addicted to jerking off

They covered that with the other races. Like castanics for BRs.

what an utter newfag
90% of 00's and 10's MMOs subsisted on coomerbait .
come back when your balls drop, squeaker

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>wanting to join a pedobait community

I played the game on an off, no I don't want it to come back

>everyone else can play an mmo long term by being addicted to jerking off

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Yet i bet you play lost ark or FF

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>jerking off is your personality
>bro why am I depressed

>why didnt everyone keep playing tera?
>everyone in my echochamber likes elins! That means the game is popular!

MMOs were made of depressed coomers before you normalfaggots ruined everything
you ADD riddled children would play until level 10 and drop the game and then wonder why no one wants to market to you

maybe youll find some more heckin awesome 'gameplay' on one of your porn tabs

>>why didnt everyone keep playing tera?
They did, ~10 years is really good for an MMO
>everyone in my echochamber likes elins!
Elins are the reason the game lived for more than a year and even the devs admit that, fucking ball-less faggot.

TERA isn't even a porn game so idk where you're going with this other than the fact you're mentally ill

Elin online when?