Is transphobia a factor into you gaming purchases?

Is transphobia a factor into you gaming purchases?

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You will never play as female.

I can't parse what they're trying to say.

Yes. If it has it then I play it.

>someone does not agree with my point of view is le bigot
Do trannies really?


>I'm trans
you aren't retard
you are a worthless retard

>first we had "femanon"
>now we have "trananon"
What part of anonymity do you people not understand?


I thought that'd be relevant to the thread but I guess not, I'm sorry

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Nothing you just said is comprehensible OP.

yeah, if any od the devs or the publisher ever talk about any sort of phobia or social politics i dont buy their game and i spend my time bad mouthing it both to my friends and to strangers

truth = bigotry
weak = strong
left = right

Modern game "journalists" need to be executed.

but i wont play harry potter for other reasons

>magical fantasy bigots

Not really, but I generally don't buy games from any big developer anymore because they don't make good games which is partly the fault of diversity and equality programs ruining them.

It's a bonus but it would be unlikely to actively factor into my decision whether or not to buy a game.

My god Gamespot. Anything for clicks, huh?
Regardless, I'll probably be buying the game.
Pretty sure it just strung together some words to make a title

How did trannies get so much clout so quickly? It took women and gays multiple decades to get half as much influence as trannies have now.

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JK Rowling EVIL so here's some BUZZWORDS. Please buy the video game we were paid to shill.

1488 1350 we should kill all niggers.
I'm not a racist bigot, I just disagree that niggers are human.

They got so much objective evil thrown in their way that all moral people quickly realized that opposition to trans rights has near 100% correlation with being an evil retard.

Why do trannies want "tranny rights" and not women's rights?
Is it because women don't have enough rights despite already having more than men?

defending le trannies for brownie points

my man

When you are propped up by the media and corporations who intend to use you as a means to increase profits, you can go very far in a very short amount of time.

The further you travel down the slope the faster it gets.

Because they're denied women's rights and men's rights.

And what rights are those

they just piggybacked off the gays and forcibly inserted themselves into the gayfaggot community

Same reason why they rage when a tranny character is voiced by a real woman. They claim to be the real thing but don't feel represented by the real thing because deep down they know what they are.

On Any Forums it's "someone does not agree with my point of view is le tranny".

It wasn't, but it is now.

no but tranny-enabling is

The only real people are the people who are exactly like me in every single way.






>another 400 reply tranny thread

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Trannies are the perfect organism to the elite and corporations. By promoting, encouraging, and enabling them, you create ever increasing dependency on pharmaceutical products and cosmetics, loyal defenders of your brands, an image of progressiveness masking your corruption and exploitation, and increasing confusion, anger, and divisiveness among the lower classes, all at the same time.

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Is it ironic that almost everyone who uses the word "bigot" is using it to be a bigot?

Just a reminder, that if you actually protest against this game, you're not hurting JK Rowling in any way. She has FUCK-YOU money.

What rights are those?
And by who? Who is denying them either?