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>mooncancer instead of funny vamp
Meh, anything else announced?

what a shitty art

I'm only rolling for her if she's another meme support, otherwise I'm more interested in Summer ProtoMerlin

shitton of quartz, like 950 approx
xu fu as a 3*
revamped brave chains
you get quartz and pure prisms from ascending now
free 5*
a fuck ton of GSSR to roll
LB7 in december

Jeanne is looking good.

I'm fucking killing myself oh my god

>mfw /tmg/

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>arcueid is now a saber palette swap

I hate this timeline

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fucking finally. too bad I stopped playing this dogshit like 4 years ago

How do you go from this...

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her skillset

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Vampire Jeanne best Jeanne

It's amazing how much I hate FGO.

bland art, Takeuchi peaked with the Character Material book

Always has been

What's the best Melty blood version to play alone ?

inb4 she's one of the "OP-in-lore-mediocre-in-gameplay" shit just like void shiki

The base Melty Blood has the story.

she has a 100% battery skill and 3t np strenght up, can refill her team's NP with her NP and one of her skills too.
She seems really good with Koyanskaya and Oberon.