Make a series about LoL

>Make a series about LoL
>Make the actual interesting characters in the cast side characters
>Side characters being Ekko, Heimerdinger, Singed, and Viktor
>Focus instead on lesbian love shit with Vi and Cait, Jayce being a politician, and Jinx being Jinx
Give me Urgot or some interesting fucking character from LoL.

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Who cares Arcane isnt canon.

It's not?

No. It takes some things from the lore and changes others to make it more digestible for the brainlet tv audience

nigga the only reason I give half a shit about him is because (according to the game, I read this after watching the show) he somehow comes up with fucking timetravel. It doesn't seem to fit his character whatsoever from how he's depicted in the show so I'm really fucking curious about how he does it and just how badly the timetravel shit will butcher the show up.

C'mon now he gets a decent focus. I bet he'll get even more as he gets all rise of the machine next.

>Focus instead on lesbian love shit with Vi and Cait, Jayce being a politician, and Jinx being Jinx
I get it if you dislike it but really there's nothing wrong with focusing on the relationship of the characters, hell, I'd say the Cait and V shit is rushed even. After they have their fight they seem to treat themselves as some sort of couple when really they haven't been depicted as such before.

The killed the only character that made the show interesting at the end. So I guess I can skip future seasons.

Ekko invents a time traveling by stealing one of Viktor's hexcrhistals.
He uses it to basically friendly neighborhood spiderman his way in Zaun helping people.
You can see lots of references to it in the show, when he gets first revelaed he is fixing a clock. In the fight against Jinx its all about past and present. And in the end credits he is faded out while a clock refocuses on screen.


>Muh LOL lore.
Who the fuck cares about league of legends? Arcane is the only decent thing that came outta of it.

You do since you liked arcane.

Warwick is coming but what I really wanna see is how Urgot comes to be

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This fucking character felt so out of place. Everyone else fit into the setting fine but then you have this asshole. It wouldn't have surprised me if they revealed he'd been isekai'd from an American inner city. I hate it when black characters act stereotypically American black despite that not being the setting at all, right down to the cringe rap intro.

Really hope we get Swain in season 2, even as a character working in the background, because the sheer number of crows that kept showing up in Zaun felt like a deliberate tease. Especially since we know Noxus has its eyes on Piltover (and by extension will probably seek to exploit Zaun in order to undermine the upper city).

Swain's crows have 6 eyes. They ones in arcane arent his
Just added for dramatic moments.

Why do devs keep trying to get rid of his Mohawk? Every new skin for him keeps making have Dreadlocks.


Singed is only interesting because he is a mystery, and Viktor is a main character.

ITT: retards who havent read the lore complain about the lore

Eiko was the least interesting nigger in the history of niggers.

League of Legends is legitimately the worst video game I've ever played and the fact that they make all this "lore" that's non-canon to the actual game is insane

Thats what happens when you have an actual writing team and a shit developing team.

LoL's writing is shit though, everything gets retconned every five minutes.

tell me the last thing they retconned.

I liked it although I only watched 5 episodes. Didn't have my boy Ziggs

Pretty much everything that was in arcane

user, arcane isnt canon. The writers themselves confirmed it.
Ill give you one more chance. Tell me the last thing they retconned.

he's either still chopping heads in Noxus or still mining in the Dredge


the only good thing about the 'lore' was that dumbass Demacia vs Noxus 'lore' event but only because Guardsman Bob repeatedly murdered everyone on the Noxian side as Udyr who i can only assume was regarded as a free agent participating in that matchup

>user, arcane isnt canon.
That's exactly the fucking problem I'm describing user

Good. Arcane's story is shit in comparison. Its the equivalent of MCU levels of dogshit writing.

>muh characters muh plot
I don't give a shit lol I'm watching for one thing only

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>arcane isnt canon
Then what the fuck is it
Why does it exist

Same reason mcu exists. To make money and promote the ip.

Not him but my guess is marketting for future riot games.

Pretty bad comparison considering marvel shit has had infinite fragmented iterations over decades and decades but LoL is just one thing.

This makes zero sense

But you get the example no? Arcane is made to make people outside of the game connect to the characters.
They butchered the lore in order to do that.

I think it's stupid but regardless, it proves my point that LoL's lore is an inconsistent joke that has nothing to do with its source material

It didnt prove anything.
Same reason why a lot of movie adaptations of Books have to change from the source material: the pacing of a movie is different from a book. They retention is also a big factor.

If you wanna shit on the lore I can give you plenty of examples I know, but simply saying "uhhh its shit because uhhh well its just is" only outs you as an imbecile.

I always wondered what does it make it not canon, it feels like it follows the lore correctly