What’re your thoughts on the hollowori game genre?

What’re your thoughts on the hollowori game genre?

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I only play Mulanarain-likes

I only play with my benis

hollow knight is my favourite soulslite

The genre is called "hollowlike" user, Ori wasnt that influential and doesnt hold value past the visuals

To answer the question, I think outdated games from this genre like Metroid really need to pay attention and learn from HK if they ever want to catch up and become relevant again

>Ori wasnt that influential and doesnt hold value past the visuals
Dude, literally Ubisoft is thinking of making a new prince of Persia inspired by Ori games.
If by influncial you mean no one is making a Ori clone is because indie dev literally can't lol wash your mouth.

Metroids are hollowlite, not hollowlike

it's fun

The genre is fun. Hollow knight is cool. I beat everything except radiance and the boss rush, because the combat gets insanely difficult.

ori is probably my all time favorite. God tier movement and creativity, Bash skill is awesome. The aesthetics and OST are not only top tier but synergize perfectly with the gameplay.
The second game also added some rather top tier combat, despite its flaws such as not being able to quick swap tools. Sadly it went rather underused because of the game's very casual appeal and target audience, so they couldn't afford to make challenges that go all in and require the full extent of the moveset

Hollow Knight is up there too. Recently sat through bf playing it for the first time and it was greatly entertaining, in a way it felt like me reliving my first playthrough.
Also, i beat p5 all bindings a while ago. That was cancer but now i can say i'm truly waiting for silksong
>l and doesnt hold value past the visuals
have you even played it? Ori movement mogs the shit out of anything else.
>outdated games like metroid
you must be either baiting or genuinely stupid
Hollow Knight doesn't even have anything new in this regard if you look at it purely mechanically. Its great due to insane polish and incredibly good level, enemy, world design, but mechanically it has nothing unique whatsoever, so you cannot call anything ''outdated'' based on it

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>not being able to quick swap tools.
Nooo you have to stop the game for change items like in gta 5 what a shame.

>Sadly it went rather underused because of the game's very casual appeal and target audience
Who care's it's fun.

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HK is tumblr, SM is reddit, but what's 4channel?

>Nooo you have to stop the game for change items like in gta 5 what a shame.
It's not as fluid and cool. It would be fine if not for the following problem : Three slots only iS EXTREMELY limiting. I mean just picture this
>(skill for the specific area's gimmick)
>(melee skill that doesnt cost energy)
>cool skill
theres automatically a lot less room for mix and matching. I feel healing skill having its own slot is a mistake in general, the game feels a lot better with Catalyst + Overflow. in fact it would be based as fuck if melee healing was a main mechanic : healing is already super blandly strong even on Hard difficulty, where the game is a joke compared to BF post early game
>Who care's it's fun.
I didn't say it isn't? Its simply a bit of wasted potential.

>It's not as fluid and cool. It would be fine if not for the following problem : Three slots only iS EXTREMELY limiting.
Dude it's a metroidvania not an online arena shooter where you need all the weapons at your disposal immediately. I don't even know how they could have possibly done this using only the controller buttons. I think the current system is very intuitive and functional.
>I feel healing skill having its own slot is a mistake in general
>Using healing skill
Are you a pussy? lol
I only use it in boss fight.

>the current system is intuitive and functional but it could use more
I recall finding a pretty convenient button missing the one time i tried it. Dont remember, i play on KB anyway
>not an online arena shooter where you need all the weapons at your disposal immediately
theres a huge gap beetwen ori 2 and whatever the fuck you just described. Having a fluid and fun arsenal is good under any occasion, just because its a singleplayer that doesn't mean it cant allow that
>are you a pussy? lol
dude just refrain from using mechanic
And no. I beat ori 1, deathless, on hardmode, with no skillpoints spent, with base life cells/energy
>i only use it in a boss fight
wow user, its almost like a boss fight is the lamest potential usecase for the skill where its boring and bland as fuck, and also takes up a slot that could have been used for combat and fun

You should have played with a controller because the game is meant for the xbox console and also the fact that they give you the 3 buttons for combining skills it's also because of that.

You never played an arena shooter?
I mean it's a single player game it's not the end of the world if i have to stop the action for a brief time to change weapon but i can understand for some can be annoying for some reason (not in my case).

You probably played hollow knight and think that the healing skill is a main part of the game when it's not it's just optional, and i rarely felt the need to use it if not in boss fight when i had the chance or in safe situations.

The game is still equally as good or better on keyboard. Even moreso when all speedrunners play on it
>You probably played hollow knight
The healing skill on hollow knight is significantly slower and less potent with boss/enemy design that is much more agressive against it.
> when i had the chance or in safe situations.
except just about all bosses except kwolok let you literally just walk to the side and heal a fuckton super safely

it just feels like you're not willing to admit the game may have a flaw at this point. These are adequate solutions but far from the best ones

>it just feels like you're not willing to admit the game may have a flaw at this point. These are adequate solutions but far from the best ones
But you literally played the game on a broken keyboard and are trying to justify the game having a problem and not you.

Yes maybe something can be lame if you know how to fuck the game but it's not like you're immortal.

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is this now an omori thread cause it sounds like an omori thread disguised as a hollow knight thread

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u fucking gay

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says the gay trying to make an omori thread into a hollow knight thread

Shut up bitch, fuck off playing your incest simulator.

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No. I will keep posting here until you like Mari faggot
you WILL beat your meat to Mari porn
you WILL enjoy Mari feet
you WILL abandon your gay ass faggot shit in these threads

Oh n- i mean oh yes.

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