Risk of Rain 2 is great, don't know why I wasn't into this genre before

Risk of Rain 2 is great, don't know why I wasn't into this genre before

Attached: EE620F03-6A30-4B66-AF65-07A4ABDD27DC.png (640x402, 302.87K)

>"the cheese has melted"
>it clearly hasn't
What did he mean by this?

He means
>they're not paying me enough for a second take

God this toastie infuriates me

There are five lights

>Risk of raiiiiinnnn
>Some stay dry while others feel the pain
>Risk of raiiiinnnn
>A baby monster's attacking me again

Attached: tay.jpg (474x355, 13.38K)

American "cheese" does not melt.

This image perfectly summarises RoR2

Is this some new kind of host?

how can you miss chesse in bread?

But it could be better.

Wrong, American "cheese" is specifically made to melt

They're not paying him at all, it was a video for his youtube channel. It more like "okay gordon, you agreed to do this today" but gordon did a bunch of coke the night before and doesn't give a shit about social media so he shat out a sandwich and called it a day

He is a businessman, not a cook

You're very and highly mistaken.

Gordon is actually a god-tier chef but got meme'd by the media into other areas outside of his knowledge

He was in Tasmania

I'm American and I hate melted cheese so I know how easily American "cheese" melts

what kind of cheese do you buy that doesn't melt what the fuck

Its not Gordon's fault, tasmanian cheese doesn't melt, its to do with the cows

user doesn't know what fucking cheese he's eating

Attached: cheese.png (608x147, 54.08K)

What the hell kind of brain damage is this

RoR is great. Made on AGDG too so all the more reason to like it

I don't play roguelites for their basic gameplay so much as I do for the process of creating a cool build, and the enjoyability of those builds. So I prefer RoR1.

you will never be white.

Attached: 1658443054439663.webm (888x500, 2.93M)

He was in tazmania


No, it was a tv show bit.