Into the Breach

Thoughts on the update?

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The swap mech is so sexy, too bad it's stuck with the bombermechs who are complete garbage

Custom squads lil nigga

Nah, the flame behemoths are one of the best squads in the game for getting 30,000 point runs once you get good with them. Other squads which people consider better, such as rusted hulks, just don't have the displacement necessary to get consistent 30,000 point runs even though they're easier to start winning reliably with before you really master the game.

Ftl is better

I should clarify, I mean the mech that can swap a target in melee range with anyone on the map that the bombermechs get

I don't understand how to not get rekt in this game. It seems like I regularly find myself in situations where I cannot avoid losing a structure or taking damage 3 turns ahead. I'm fine with getting rekt but I want more cores god damnit

save scum like everyone else

Game too smart, user too dumb.
That said, damn if it isn't fun until I get absolutely overrun.

One annoyance with the game in general is having the reset turn being a finite thing instead of allowing more. It's a nonissue once you fully digest what your team's options are, but it is a strong filter at the start. A lot of getting better is mitigation rather than killing outright. Moving veks to block other incoming veks or baiting certain mechs to get grabbed/attacked is a part of it.

>Moving veks to block other incoming veks
A lot of the times this just results in me getting overwhelmed and more Vek attack structures than I can deal with in one or even two turns. I can usually get away with this if I have at least killed some early on but sometimes with the slimes, the spider egg monster and the explosive egg dickhead I just get completely steamrolled by them + regular vek in only a few turns.

Are you using a specific pilot or mechs? Some mechs are just way better than others.

user, you can do so much swap shenanigans using the bombs, or pierce through the bombs, and bodyblocking using the bombs, upgrade to 2 bombs its worth it.

>I don't understand how to not get rekt in this game
Prioritize properly. At the start of a turn identify how many Vek are going to hit targets/buildings. Prioritize saving mission targets first then buildings. If a Vek is going to attack one of your mechs don't bother with that Vek for the turn, you want to prioritize ones attacking buildings, just move out of the way or let it hit you. If more than 3 Vek are going to hit buildings/targets then you need to kill/move multiple of them with a single mech, so prioritize how you will do that first. Prioritize protecting shit first but if there's more than one way to protect everything then try to figure out the way that does the most damage/blocks the most spawns. That should explain the general flow of how you should try to figure out a turn.

Some general tips on getting easier turns to start with: Try to keep your mechs near the center so they can get to where they need. If a mech has a long range weapon they can lob over the entire map instead try to keep them where there is an open horizontal row of squares so they can move left and right easily. Don't forget that if you can't kill a Vek or move it out of the way you can always stand in front of it's shot depending on the type of Vek.

My brain is nowhere near big enough to handle those types of moves

New pilot abilities and mech upgrades are OP. Probably balanced around unfair difficulty
If only we could build our own teams. Imagine breezing through the game with triple ice mech. Yeah...

I was expecting big boom with them too, then I put silica in the bomb mech and was commanding a swarm of bomblets every turn.

There was an update?
Well fuck. There was.

I did admittedly think that Into the Breach had close to zero replay value for some reason. But I did genuinely enjoy my time with it a lot for while it lasted. But if it got a huge update like this then I guess I'll give it another go anyway. Interesting.

>god tier run
>miss click attack target and completely fuck myself
>close game and never open it again

Can't you undo that?

Can't you already do that with custom squads?