Hunt: Showdown

It's currently on sale and I'm thinking of getting this
What do we think about it

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It's great

It's pretty fun I think, especially with friends. Can be really rewarding if you manage to come out on top of a huge chaotic firefight, but also really frustrating if you get picked off before being able to do anything. I'd say I had more fun playing with a friend rather than alone, but solo is also rather fun.

Really fun but you pretty much need friends when you're starting out

I wouldn't be asking here if I had any

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I guess you can queue up with randoms

the gunplay is very unique, it's fun to play something like this where every shot matters because reloads and time between shots are so long

the resource management is great as well, knowing when and where to use consumables can immediately turn fights in your favor and keeping pressure on someone until they run out of heals is a great feeling

fights in general are amazing, the sound design is so good you spend most of your time in close-quarters fights tracking your enemies just by their footsteps

it plays a lot like an information shooter like CS:GO or Siege where knowing your enemy's position at any given time is 90% of the fight. Also leads to some really fun opportunities to fight stealthily - nothing like wiping a team with a silenced rifle from 100m away while they're scrambling trying to figure out where you're shooting from

balance is good, game is fun, i've only had minor issues with it so far (notably, the window to trade kills is way too long and makes solo play a bit annoying) solid 9/10 I easily see myself putting a few hundred hours more into it

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dogshit, you'll be in the loading screens more than the game.

I started out solo and did just fine. Sometimes solo is even easier as it lowers your MMR considerably.

not really desu
this has one of the best ratios of time spent queuing to time spent playing of any BR-style game I've tried
plus you don't spend the first 10 minutes of the match scrambling for guns, you can just jump into fights whenever


But then you lose out on the team dynamics that make this game really interesting. But you are right if you wanna improve your skill with the game

Sure, I think solo and team games are both really fun, they're different. Solo is more stealth oriented and arguably can be the best stealth game there is.. I never play with randoms.

Such a kino setting, i wish more games would use the bayou for location

It's probably the best BR on the scene since there's no retarded gimmicks stapled to it like building or survival shit. Just you, your guns, the target(s) and the other hunters.

How does the whole hunters dying and being removed from play thing work, especially the paid dlc ones

Fuck, I see this same post for every multiplayer game ever, is there a multiplayer game that is still good without friends? I just have a couple of good friends in steam and they are playing their own stuff, even if I give them the game they would probabbly play a couple of times and then will drop off to play their own thing again.
Playing with friends is hard, sometimes they have time to play and I don't, sometimes I want to play and they can't, shit is difficult, I just want to play whenever I want.

you recruit a hunter with ingame currency, cost based on what guns they start with. you spend a little more to get them equipped with consumables or specific guns you want to use, and bring them into a match

if they survive a match, they get points you can spend on perks, and if they die, them and their gear are lost forever

legendary hunters (the dlc/paid skins) are recruited in the same way normal hunters are, but they come with 3 random perks instead of any weapons
they're subject to the same death rules, but you can always choose to recruit a new hunter with whatever paid skin you want

hunt is still a solid game solo, just more difficult as it pits you against either a mix of other solos and duos, or against trios if you're brave enough to jump in that queue

My cheats have been undetectable for over a year. they don't even try to stop people like me.

Was fun when it was active, waste of time now.

The netcode is getting really bad

kill yourself

literally the largest the playerbase has ever been
i was waiting in queue for longer than usual last night because every available server was full

You can play solo and play like a fucking asshole. I play solo all the time and I spend my entire time being a fucking pain in the ass stalker. I don't hunt monster for shit, I rarely kill people, what I do is stalk ennemy players and when they are in a tough spot (purging a boss or being attacked by other players) I come out, inflict damage and run like a bitch.

Shit is cash I really feel like i fucking HUNT which is the title of the game so I'm playing it right.

>when it was active
but Hunt is a rare example of a game that has only gotten more and more active since its release

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