Anyone still play pokemonGO?

anyone still play pokemonGO?

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Nah it’s dead just like league of legends

Why am I like this?

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Hey guys,

me and my brother just redownloaded it. Is it bad that it's the most fun I've had playing pokemon since Black 2?

Well...tecnically speaking, that's true

>catch new pokemon
>need to catch 100 more of the same to evolve it.


My brother, he is a adult man with children who needs to drive around a lot for his work, dude takes sideroutes to go to places with good pokemon that get shared in a group he is part of.
I tought people were suposed to grow out of their pokemon fase past 30 years old.

I can't even begin to imagine the amount of dogfucker twitter troons who replied to that.

>I tought people were suposed to grow out of their pokemon fase past 30 years old.
I've been thinking about this recently. I think pokemon is an anomaly. I don't think any other franchise has maintained this level of relevance for so long and it's interesting to see the effects.

It's my only excuse for going outside. I know, fucking pathetic.

Not at all, breh. Me and some frens in my university also redownloaded the game and it was pretty fucking fun

No shame at all, user. My girlfriend and I downloaded Pokemon Go for the exact same reason.

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I remember when it came out and people were doing meet ups with friends and making new ones. I never had that, I went to get this ghost type near this old church in my home town and when I was there some dickheads that used to fuck with me were there and called the cops on me.

what did you do for them to call the cops on you?

Just walking up, they just started shit with me for no reason and I just walked off bummed out and that was the last time I played it. I just sat in my room feeling like shit seeing all the news about it and all these great social things that were coming from it and didn't get to do it like I wanted to before the hype died down.

who the FUCK is still playing pokemon go

user stop being a drama anime protagonist please.

Everything sucks.

not me, but I know people who play it religiously. It's scary.

Id be your friend user. Dont give up.

delete this

Yeah, they were looking for a fight,yelling that they were going to fuck me up and coming right at me, then when I got stopped by a cop on the way home that told me that he had a call I was starting shit with people at a Pokémon go meet up. I told him what had happened and for once it seemed like someone believed me and let me go. I've never got to do a lot like that, and seeing how it blew up to being this social thing really got to me and that attempt to do something fun and potentially social I wanted to be a part of it, since I had no one, and sadly,still don't. I enjoyed the hell out of it, just it was that one situation.

i've played it some for the past month but holy shit the storage sucks. to get more i apparently have to beat gyms, but they have pokemon like level 3000 while mine is 1000

No, I'm playing Pokémon Unite

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