This work of fiction was designed, developed and produced by a multicultural team of various beliefs...

>This work of fiction was designed, developed and produced by a multicultural team of various beliefs, sexual orientations and gender identities.

Is this really necessary?

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This isn’t Any Forums

It means an arab worked on Assassin's Creed so it's authentic or whatever.

It's a nice warning, let's you know when to uninstall.

Yes because it’s extremely effective amongst the most stupid and emotion driven among the human population

Can we start posting ponies already ?

Yes, it's to pre-set reviewers.

Was this thread necessary?

I mean it costs nothing to put in game and probably generates at least some goodwill.
Why wouldn't they put it?

My only gender identity is dragonsexual
As in I want to fuck that dragon

If you are a console fag or a PC illiterate, at some point all these displays of devs, publishers, licensed tech get annoying. That message is the cherry on the top. You wasted like 1 minute without even reach the main menu.
On a side note, it reads lice corporative faggotry, but at this point this disconnection with the player is the standard.

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Yes, otherwise shitskins, faggots and trannies will literally kill themselves.

its for the people who think blacks can't be racist

Ok :)

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here you go user

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This started with Assassins Creed and getting religion of peace'd was a valid concern at the time (as it is at all times) so they covered their basis since the game poked at historical Muslim and Christian figures.

A lot of fucking people still haven't gotten over the crusades user

Let me guess, Hitman 3


Its faggotry propaganda aimed at children.
Death to USA and death to globalists.