His sword carries the entire design. Look how fucking stupid he looks with a normal sized sword...

His sword carries the entire design. Look how fucking stupid he looks with a normal sized sword. Sephiroth shitters are ridiculous.

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He looks even more malicious with a short sword!

sephiroth will never hild a candle next to Keftka the Clown

Sephiroth was never in control. It was all Jenova

What if Kefthka was a girl?

>It's been a quarter century and people STILL don't get the story.

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Hojo theorizes, and is never disproven, that Sephiroth is controlling Jenova. There isn't any real evidence to show Jenova is in control.
And if you look at the Compilation, which isn't necessary but it does exist and is canon, Sephiroth keeping himself together in the lifestream confirms Hojo's statement.

>His sword carries his design
>Doesn't even use the sword except the very first "fight" where he's in your party and the very last "fight" if you let him do an attack instead of using Omnislash

Masamune is pointless, Seph is a wizard

>And if you look at the Compilation,
no one cares about that fanfic tier shit as canon outside of nomura's drones who also thinks KH has deep story and compelling narrative

as someone who was actually alive back when ff7 was new, nobody liked the ending at the time. the compilation exists because ff7's ending was universally seen as a letdown compared to the rest of the game.
i'm guessing some e-celeb must have pretended the ending was good to get attention, which is why we have so many zoomies defending it now.

His moustache carries the entire design. Look how fucking stupid he looks without a moustache. Mario shitters are ridiculous.

Attached: mario.png (447x483, 287.52K)

Its shit writing with an even shittier translation. That'll happen.

Trust me its very deep you just got filtered.

>square makes tons of spin offs and movies for ff7 adding more dumb shit for a story they dont understand

Jenova pulls anyone with her cells toward her. It's that simple. Jenova is controlling Sephiroth. Sephiroth can control Cloud to some extent because his cells were injected before birth, making him the closest thing to being Jenova's actual son.

Sephiroth isn't being pulled anywhere. Instead, the Jenova cells are being pulled towards him. This means he is in control.

Those are just weaker beings with Jenova cells. He's the second strongest thing on the planet with her cells so it's not that weird that they'd go to him. It's like how the moon orbits the Earth instead of the Sun.

>Those are just weaker beings with Jenova cells
What about the GIANT FUCKING CLUMP OF JENOVA that was in the shinra building? Why didn't reunion go to THAT? Why did IT get up and start walking around?

Sephiroth IS Jenova.

Jenova Birth, Life, Death, Synthesis, Sephiroth Rebirth and the Sefer Sphirot. The entire thing is the life cycle of Jenova, as it lived and died, as it was synthesized into something new (Sephiroth), how he was reborn as the new God. There is one continuity you are following, it is all Sephiroth.

My theory for that is that her head is the strongest source of the cells, which he removed in Nibelheim.

Sin and Yevon were better villains especially because Jecht/Sin was Tidus's father and that made it emotional.

The head is not actually Jenova's head, you understand that right? It's just the head of the host body, Jenova is the cells themselves.