I want to buy pic related

I want to buy pic related
Please talk me out of it

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It's actually a decent game if you get it on sale and like the period. It's long though, but the new Asscreeds like this and Origins are pretty fun.

Why? It’s better than elden shits since it actually has story.

It's not a bad game, i like the soundtrack and kassandra was a nice character so i can't convince you otherwise.

The gameplay loop is horrible. I really enjoyed the first 10 or so hours and then regretted it when the story, world and combat couldn't keep me engaged.
Just play Witcher 3 because this is an aborted attempt at that.

I played it and enjoyed it. The ancient Greece setting is kino, the combat is mindless fun, and Kassandra is very cute.

why would you buy it when you can pirate?

It's Witcher 3, if it was good

Anyone else wish they'd revisit AssCreed 1's setting of the Third Crusade with this formula?

It is unironically one of the most boring games ever made. Don't listen to anyone saying it's good, because 100% of the time they purposely leave out that it's like 100 hours long and most of that time is pointless filler and bland combat

don't, it's more boring than watching paint dry. you quickly realize all the weapons and items you get are diablo style loot drops, even ancient relics you get via the story. You quickly realize even with max assassination you cannot actually assassinate anyone. You quickly realize it's just a repetition of minimissions over and over again.

I spent 3-4 hours on tutorial island, put out to sea, and got into a naval battle. I destroyed the enemy ship with a hail of arrows. It exploded like I had thrown a bomb into it.

I turned the game off and haven't been back since



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If you just want a fantasy game and can ignore some of its issues and bloat it's fine for like $20.
If you want an AC game it's not worth it.

Attached: Assassin’s Creed® Odyssey 2019-10-12 22-07-55.jpg (1920x1080, 1.17M)

It's the best of nu-AC
Odyssey > Origins > Valhalla

Came here to post this

It's ctrl+c + ctrl+v - The Game.

I was thinking of picking up Valhalla on sale, but the British Niggers and the fact I don't care much for Vikings keeps me off. But I still want a Medival nu-Creed as said here Is it any decent?

It's a bad game. Not because it's got bad combat or controls or gameplay, that's all pretty solid. It's bad because it's bland like oat porridge. You can eat a small bowl of oat porridge and feel satisfied. It's boring but OK. But AC Odyssey is like a massive 10 gallon pot of oat porridge that you're supposed to eat all by yourself. Halfway through the first big bowl you get bored, and it only gets worse from there. Then you start feeling sick, then you just don't want to eat any more, then you never want to see another bowl of porridge again for the rest of your life.

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Why do people even play these shitty terrible fucked up awful games made by gays

That game is the capeshit version of the dark ages/viking era. If you enjoy capeshit you might like it.

with mods you could maybe add some jam or honey to that metaphor, but ubisoft despises stuff they can't control so that's off the table

It's a great game and comes with bonus: you learn about ancient Greece.

It takes a few steps forward and a lot of steps back. There's even less emphasis on actual assassination stuff now, gear is more boring and the amount of transmog options is reduced as gear is treated as an exploration reward rather than generic loot from enemies.
It's also kind of just a boring place, and I say this as a brit. There's very few mystical or mysterious places, they just reuse Stone Henge-esque circles.
It looks good though and Eivor(I played male) isn't awful, i've yet to complete it though.

its an ok time waster. If you want to spend some hours and have nothing else to play, its got a very cool setting/ancient greece during the peleponessian wars) likeable MCs and serviable enough combat. Just don`t expect something mindblowing, and only get it at a hefty sale. otherwise its not worth it

no buy it! I want the ubisoft and the rest of game industry to get the wrong idea that these games are good. buy every cod and ac, give them money for loot boxes, season passes, buy the unicorn horse mount with the fancy skins.

It's just boring. They made this massive world and made it repetitive and boring. In an early part of the game you need a ship to escape an island you're stuck on. I was like "sweet there will probably be a big story arc where you plan a heist, hire some thugs to help you, and then execute it to plan". Nope. You just meet some guy, save him from getting beaten up, and he just gives you a whole ass ship for no reason. And that's the entire game right there. No conflict, no plot arcs, no actual story. Just a bunch of boring non-offensive cutscenes that only exist to tie together boring stale gameplay. You'll get maybe 7 hours into it and then you'll ask yourself why the fuck am I playing this boring shit?

Oh and there's female soldiers everywhere. In ancient Greece. Because it's fucking Ubisoft.

user, i played boring games in my life to know the difference and don't make the sacrilege to call something as this boring. I'll give you one so you can see for yourself what boring actually means: Inquisitor. Pirate it, survive for a few hours of "gameplay" and come back.

odyssey has mods, not as extensive as a bethesda game or anything, but you can alleviate some of the shit level scaling and stuff like that at least. still, i enjoyed it and i wouldn't recommend it to OP unless its like 15$ max and he really likes classical greece, it's a very standard ubisoft open world experience.

I'm not going to sit here and let some retard who played Inquisitor tell me this garbage is fun

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No amount of mods are going to fix the basic foundation of the game, which is a tedious slog through a vast massive open world full of the same bland shit over and over and over and over and over and over again. If it had an interesting story then it might give you an incentive to keep going, but it's like this shit was written by fanfic autists. They made a mission about delivering a dildo and you literally just watch a cringe unfunny cutscene, run from point A to point B, watch another cringe unfunny cutscene, and that's it. Nobody is likeable, the protag is a block of fucking wood, the RPG mechanics are shit, and the stealth gameplay is horrendous.

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You're assuming I didn't despise every second I spent on Inquisitor. I literally slept on my keyboard from how boring it was and uninstalled. Point is, this can't be called boring when stuff like Inquisitor exists. Feels like people saying old James Bond is boring because they grew up on the new ones.