It's bad because... it just is okay!

>it's bad because... it just is okay!

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Other urls found in this thread:

dark souls 2 is an rpg to its core, all other games are action games with rpg mechanics



I just platinumed Demon's and Dark Souls, going to start Dark Souls II (PS3) next. Why does everyone hate it?

You forget uninspired trash also, no matter how many more nutubers release some kind of "dark souls 2 is good actually" videos, doesnt change the fact that is complete garbage

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It's unpolished, but I appreciate it for being different compared to the other ones.

becasue it dared to be different.

Literally the only people who defend Dark Shit 2 are PC.ucks whose first Souls game was Dark Souls 2

>Played DaS 1&2 all the way thru
>Bought a used copy of DaS3 years ago but haven’t ever played it
No idea why but something about this game repels me.

the dlc wasn't fun

It has truckloads of small bad things that compound together making it overall an inferior experience when compared to other games in the series for example most enemies only respawn twelve times after which they stop appearing unless you use a bonfire ascetic or join CoC

based. DS2 feels like a dungeon crawler. its more suffocating, enclosed, how metrioidvania should be.


yep it's this thread again

>Literally the only people who defend Dark Shit 2 are PC

>C.ucks whose first Souls game was Dark Souls 2

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I've come to a very sound conclusion: if you suck at something, you will begin to notice its flaws. That's why so many friendless shut-ins adopt nihilistic worldviews, so many poor people think that capitalism sucks, and it's also why people dislike Dark Souls 2. Because they suck at it. They rollspam, praying that going through a massive greatsword won't deal them any damage because "why should it, it worked before", they get lost in its non-linearity, in its amount of choices, builds, weapons, bosses and areas. People who are good at vidya like DaS2 because its a well made game, people who dislike it probably didn't figure out how to upgrade an estus until they've used a guide.

just join CoC lol. That is the definitive challenge in the game anyway and if you dont wanna do it in 2020+ ur a scrub lol. Online servers are dead anyway.

>why people dislike Dark Souls 2. Because they suck at it. They rollspam, praying that going through a massive greatsword won't deal them any damage because "why should it, it worked before", they get lost in its non-linearity, in its amount of choices, builds, weapons, bosses and areas.


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I've 100% the game and still think that it sucks and that it's the worst game in the series

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