Why does the west worship ugliness

Attached: ugly.png (1079x1098, 1.08M)

Narcissism. Unironically.

if you haven't figured it out from the last 5,000,000 threads on the topic you're probably never going to know

But the east is uglier.

Cultural marxism

Top left is pretty.

for comparison

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That's just nikocado photoshopped onto allow

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because white "people" are ugly

Because we gave women power and they can't stand men looking at fictional women that are more attractive than them.

Who told you to worship every woman you see?

Are you fucking saying Ernst Stavro Blofeld is ugly?????

Because roasties seethe over the idea of attractive women in videogames and will endlessly screech on twitter that your game is bad and sexist

I can't even be mad about bottom left because it just looks like a dude with beautiful hair. My brain doesn't register it as something bad, comedic at worst.

I think it’s saying bottom left looks like bottom right

Marxoids want everything to be as hideous inside and out as they are.

>But the east is uglier.
They are, but they don't make ugly characters. Healthy people praise beauty, even when they lack it themselves.

Christoph isn't ugly you take that back

Trannies and childless middle aged women are what run the industry now.

ugly women are either the game journalist or person the game journalist are trying to fuck, it's all about PR even though the gambit isn't paying off at all and Japan has lapped the west again in single player games

>2 ugly video game characters
low effort, OP. usually these collages have at least 6.

>bottom one
top kek

Hans Landa is a very handsome man.

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