Azure Striker Gunvolt 3

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he got a big ol weenie

So Kirin's fujobait reverse harem survives 'til the end but Zed's harem of sexy and cute girls all got fucked up and dead?

dunno, but I really want to bury my face in caiman's man boobies

So far yeah.
I'll see how long i can enjoy grinding for images and how fast demanding and merciless mode drives me insane before i drop it because i suck at these games when they take away my training wheels.
No, Zeds harem is fine too.

No one dies, except GV in the bad end. GV fucks off into space in the true end.

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Yea but I really don't like the story or the characters in this game. I don't expect much but I was thoroughly put to sleep by Kirin being a goody goody no killing allowed and fucking Dragon god bs. At least we got another cute singer girl.

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>defeat boss
>they just fuck off with the MacGuffin anyway without any resistance from your side
I hate this trope so much

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I haven't played much of it, the only thing I know is that Kirin has a really really nice ass.

>they just fuck off with the MacGuffin anyway without any resistance from your side
well, yeah. because you fucking spared them
you think they would've been able to do that if you split them down the middle

I might actually prefer Cope2's shitty buzzsaw. Kirin's gameplay is so fucking BORING

So what's the flaming hoops to jump through this time for True End?

Not much it just comes down how you deal with the final boss.

I am at least having fun playing as Kirin if anything else
Getting air time is a good time

Does Copen or any if the old cast make an appearance? I'm getting worried after the 'decades past' thing from the intro stage. Did they really just fucking write out everyone else because they're hacks who wrote themselves into a corner wirh GV2?

Does Lumen count even though she is only brought back to keep singing.

Why is GV a dog now anyway

>Did they really just fucking write out everyone else because they're hacks who wrote themselves into a corner wirh GV2?
yes. Enjoy your image pulses.

It is so dumb how they couldn't think of any reason why we have the muse power again besides giving azure striker another bullshit power.
>btw i can turn memories real
>cool, why is this one sentient and can talk though
>lmao, don't know, don't care

>Did they really just fucking write out everyone else
lol yes
>because they're hacks who wrote themselves into a corner wirh GV2?
lmao yes

>Inti makes the perfect playing style in iX1
>They fuck things up in iX2 and GV2


None of the old cast returns, the cliffhanger at the end of GV2 isn't addressed at all and the reason why GV separated from Quinn is fucking retarded.

Gameplay is the best in the series, Kirin is really fun to play. The characters are fun, and I like Kirin. The plot would just be mediocre if the game was standalone, but as a sequel to Gunvolt 2, the plot is absolutely terrible. Plot has never been that important for the Gunvolt experience (though killing quirky and attractive characters in a horrible dystopia does give it some bite), but it still sucks to see all the plot hooks dropped because the setting was pretty intriguing.

>Did they really just fucking write out everyone else because they're hacks who wrote themselves into a corner wirh GV2?
It's not even that big of a corner. You can easily write around it. You don't need to timeskip. I think they just wanted to get away from Gunvolt 2, because it was too depressing and grimdark.