Never forget what they took away from you

Never forget what they took away from you.

Attached: Deborah-Harper-–-Resident-Evil-6[1].jpg (1024x576, 69.42K)

not a great example considering the latest entry had one of the most sexualized and hottest characters in the franchises history.

didn't MK desexualize all female characters?

that part was totally cringe and shit besides the shark jumping in a waterfall catacomb

screaming lady was a milf besides the man face traits

>obese milf
>one of the hottest characters
you must be american

They give something better dont worry.

Attached: Mia_Winters_RE8.jpg (720x720, 84.51K)

>sister watches her sister get nude converted into a monster

alright then, who do YOU consider to the be hottest characters in Resident Evil?

you better not say Ashley

What did they take away from me? Resident evil 6 is still there, I can even go play it on my PS5 or switch if I wanted to

>man face traits
Seek help, seeing opposite gender traits in others is the first symptom of body dysmorphia. You're a literal troon in the making.


All other answers are wrong.

Attached: ada.jpg (1840x3200, 2.6M)

Ashley. Honorable mention to Degeneration Claire.

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As deep underground as Leon and Helena went I'm surprised they still needed a plane to get to China.

why did this make me chortle

You do know why they call her Ada "Wong" right? Wong rhymes with "dong". She has a dong underneath that dress. Duuuh.

incorrect + transphobic

actually, it's a play on the old phrase, "sometimes the Wong woman, is the RIGHT woman, if you know what i mean..."

Attached: A4skcNc.jpg (738x724, 90.97K)

she looks like she molests little boys


You must be... I don't know, a blind faggot?

How come Capcom only knows how to make plot important females that look like Dante's mom?

You forgot to erase the nose lmao.

Eyes too small.