What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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>What went wrong?
Your father failed you.

no dlc yet

Its mid-tier at best as far as soulshit goes. The bosses are awful for the most part

incorrect on both but ok.

They fucked up the game after killing trannygott

>incorrect on both but ok.

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Endgame HP and damage scaling is a bit wonky in the latter half of the game and Snowfield is sort of boring but other than that, it's a great game. Too many lategame things resist Holy too, I get there's an in-lore reason for it but it's still unfortunate for those who want to roleplay as a Holyfag.

weirdly dull and soulless on replay

also fromsoft still sucks at making the second half of a game

weapon arts and pvp

souls combat is shit and not enough to carry an open world game

They should've taken out the open world and made it linear and interconnected like the past games but the game would still be a 7/10 regardless. It just feels very hollow and samey and the world isn't distinct enough from the dark souls universe for it to justify a separation from that series.

the bosses in this game are just not fun, I think the only boss I actually enjoyed fighting was Godrick

your transition

i like most of the bosses and most of the areas. i wish it was kinda shorter and maybe fewer repeat bosses, and i don't really like open world games but this was probably my favorite open world game. so a solid 7.5 or 8/10 for me

Illusion of choice

Open world

open world = automatic dogshit.

Elden Ring truly proved that FromSoftware is incapable of comprehending what their true fans enjoyed about their soulsborne games. The pattern is clear now more than ever, any FromSoftware project that has Yui Tanimura involved in anyway, will be either mediocre or garbage. Hidetaka Miyazaki said that with Elden Ring "he had to delegate things to others more than usual" and it shows. Elden Ring is not a good soulsborne game, it is one of the worst, if not the worst:
>Open world causes a lot of padding and time wasting by just running around on your mount looking for the good parts.
>Open world completely kills replay value, because of all the down time traveling in the open world has.
>Open world forced them to add a mount and thus mounted combat, which is far inferior to the traditional unmounted combat. Even FromSoftware understood this and disabled mounts in multi-player.
>Open world ruins the traditional progression of difficulty in zones and especially boss fights, the bosses are either too hard because you are underleveld or too easy because you are overleveld, it is an unrefined and unfocused mediocre experience.
>Spirit ashe summon system casualizes the entire game, it is literally an EASY MODE that completely breaks the game and boss AI. Some of the spirit ashe summons at +10 (mimic/tiche) can solo bosses with you just standing there and watching, doing nothing else. Unlike traditional summons, spirit ashe summons do not give the boss a boost in HP and stats.
>Boss Fight experience has taken a significant drop in quality. Sekiro, Bloodborne and even Dark Souls 3 offer superior boss fight experiences.

Elden Ring outsold all previous FromSoftware soulsborne games COMBINED, it is literally over for FromSoftware ARPGs as we know them. All future ARPG projects by FromSoftware will feature an open world of some sort.

Thank God I pirated Elden Ring and didn't waste money on it.

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No discount yet. Same goes for other souls games. Also, why would you need G.R.R. Martin?
Miyazaki doesn't need him.

>Too long (yes this is a bad thing)
>Open world adds practically nothing
>Open world bosses glitch out, despawn if you're too far etc.
>Worst enemy behavior of the series
>Worst enemy moves of the series
>We're still stuck as some barely mobile roll machine in comparison to the crazy cool shit everything else can do
>Camera sucks against big foes
>OST sucks
>Blatantly unfinished, cut content galore
>Nonsensical NPC quests

It was the jack of all trades, master of none of the Souls games. Other than art/aesthetics the game is just inferior to all other games before it.

It didn't have Soul Memory, ADP and other good bits from Dark Souls 2

Why did Miyazaki say this game was 20-30 hours long, its a blatant lie unless you’re actively rushing

Zanzinbart dude got it right. There's like 5 things that happen in the "story" padded out with pointless exploration and le deep dialogue

>month 5 of paid shitters trying to pretend Elden Ring is bad because the open world

Eat shit lol

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reused content
shitty ost
shitty combat, especially after Nioh 2
no interaction with open world, open world is questionable addition.
I personally think Dark Souls PTDE/Switch version and Sekiro are still the best From Software games.

Any Forums is literally the only place that even attempts to shit on ER's open world, and the only reason is because of anonymous posting.

>2 genders

Also ER is unballanced. Broken game.

>2 genders

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Opinion discarded

>A + B
>not two

Souls formula was already old and rotting back in dark souls 3. Turns out tacked on open world and crafting can't revitalize it.

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Can confirm. Did a playthroufh as a "golden order paladin" & that shit sucked. Once again fromsoft makes holy builds wait until the engame to get good shit but they're useless since nearly every boss is practically made of the stuff

Bro, don't look at the sales, reviews, Steam user scores, etc.
Don't do it bro.

Enjoy your woke trash, cucks.

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it clearly did revitalize it considering it sold more than any of their previous games

Pirate or is the multiplayer aspects worth it?