People here shit on 3 houses...

People here shit on 3 houses, but playing through dimitris route and watching him grow from an awkward but noble man to a man so full of rage that he literally cannot die from all his hatred was one of the coolest story moments in gaming. Its especially cool when everyone meets up to help you during the first timeskip mission

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You’re watching anime. Children’s cartoons. Stories written by obese Japanese men in small rooms. Find a new fascination in your life you profoundly disturbed autist

Should I read liturature instead, the same trend but from older, even more depressed european men with lesser imaginations?

Blue Lions is good. All the shit posting comes from the fuckery that is the Black Eagles routes, and the perfect way everything ties up for le scheming guy

SS is kino and canon

No. Nobody suggested that you pathetic failure

yeah it's too bad the gameplay isn't very good

oh jesus christ never mind i'm getting out of this thread

why are you so mad user

Hoe about television; the same, but from generally slightly younger but significantly more obese american men?

>grow from an awkward but noble man to a man so full of rage
pretty much this

Attached: 8ef29d2f432d3f36aae1faffbb5f5be9.jpg (1687x985, 228.51K)

He grew from an awkward but noble young man, and now he literally cannot die from all of his hatred

Nope. Keep trying tranny

I liked it, but I can't really disagree with people who complain it's too similar to VW, and the lack of the final fight that you get on VW (even though I actually like the final battle more on SS)

>All the shit posting comes from the fuckery that is the Crimson Flower route

Attached: 3H.png (1577x889, 162.23K)

>watching him grow from an awkward but noble man to a man so full of rage that he literally cannot die from all his hatred
This a joke? You don't watch this happen. Pre time skip he just has some moments where he lapses. Post time skip he is full exterminator. There is, to repeat, a TIME SKIP in between.

You can't call that "watching him grow from A to B" that is just stupid.

It's gonna get even more kino with Dimitri because he becomes a great king

Attached: 1648137807683.gif (333x194, 1.78M)

Knitting; the same but women?

>Its especially cool when everyone meets up to help you during the first timeskip mission

That chapter was one of my favorites in the entire series. Fantastic background music with a fitting title

Odds against since it was just you and deranged bro against a load of bandits (at the start). I'd want to see a 3H animated adaptation just for that chapter.

I had a fun time with FE3H but the absolute state of the monastery in post time skip absolutely fucking murders the flow of the game.
It would've been a lot better if post ts you had one month with the monastery and then had overworld movement for the rest.

>People here shit on 3 houses, but playing through dimitris route and watching him grow from an awkward but noble man to a man so full of rage that he literally cannot die from all his hatred was one of the coolest story moments in gaming. Its especially cool when everyone meets up to help you during the first timeskip mission

Attached: Onions.jpg (600x800, 52.73K)

I like the challenge, but the fact it can easily softlock you if you don't know it's coming is just bad design.