Welcome to Mars, Marine

>Welcome to Mars, Marine

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This was a good horror game, it just wasn't a good Doom game.

>it just wasn't a good Doom game.
Yeah it was, try forming your own opinions in future instead of just parroting the autistic nerd online echo chamber.
It was Carmacks' favorite D00M game and in his own words the kind of game D00M was always meant to be.

It's a better Doom game than Eternal.

True, D00M 3 fucking bangs.

It was certainly a severe deviation from DOOM and DOOM II, but I wouldn't say it's not a good DOOM. As says, it seems more loyal to id's original vision. The Hellmeat sausages always gave me an... odd feeling, not a boner but a marked erotic feeling. This may or may not have increased my opinion of the game.

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Play doom 1&2 then play 3. They have a similar feel and vibe.

Then play 2016 or eternal. These games were clearly made by people who had seen the concept art and read the blurbs for the older titles, but never played them

Totally agree. You can always spot a zoomy when they praised nuD00M and Eternal but attempt to shit on 3 for being 'not D00M'.

Post theme already.

They probably saw some brutal doom videos and thought "wow this is a real doom"

the horror stuff is good and the shootan stuff is basically quake 3, it just doesn't work together
it's better fundamentally, the new games don't feel right at all, closer to playing halo or something
you know right away if you are playing an old idtech or UE engine game, the new ones? could be any AAA schlock

Legitimately what the fuck were they thinking with the shotgun spread and armour damage reduction?

Also making you lose balance every time you're hit so you can get stunlocked by a single Z-Sec hitscanner

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>installs duct tape mod

yup all ready for the horror *cocks shotgun*

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Dogshit game

Isn't armor parameter had some error?
And instead of 20% of damage it takes only 2.

It was neither of them
>b-b-but it was The Hack's favourite game

Based, Doom 3 hell will never be topped
>inb4 retarded nekravol poster posting concept art

>shotgun spread
obviously to play up the survival horror aspect get close and blow them away
>armour damage reduction?
works the same as the old games more or less?
>lose balance
the old games had it but it's definitely more extreme and kind annoying yeah

not only is it not a good Doom game, it's also a shit horror game. It's got the same problem as Dead Space, it stops being scary about 5 minutes in when you realize that the "horror" is just the same jump scares over and over.
>Play doom 1&2 then play 3. They have a similar feel and vibe.
Yes, I loved the part about doom1&2 where you ran extremely slowly like you shit your pants through linear corridors, definitely the defining part of those two games. Fucking retard.

Doom 3 is only good as a tech demo for lighting, which at the time it was super fucking amazballs at.

Nowadays it's a pretty shitty Doom game. I really like the art aesthetic though; the futuristic base feels very unique compared to other sci-fi stations and bases out there. Not sure why.

I remember watching the Doom 3 advert on the OG Doom movie disk. God that fucked so hard.

It's hilarious when Doom 3 faggots defend their pile of trash by claiming it played "closer" to the original Doom games
Yeah no shit Sherlock, I have never seen any Eternal fan claim nu-Doom plays any similar to the originals.
It's just a really good fucking game that can stand on its own and not some tech demo bullshit for which no webm is ever posted because it sucks ass

Attached: DOOM Eternal clip 1.webm (854x480, 2.76M)

The hilarious thing is that Doom atarts with a rock OST as you shoot demons and those faggots want to pretend their shitty wannabe RE tech demo is anything close to that

>lol the first few tracks of the soundtrack are le metal so it must be a boom bang action shooter!!!
lol no
The majority of Doom 1's soundtrack is ambience and suspense, you get at most 35% rock and the rest is atmospheric.
That rings true even more for Doom 2, where genres like slow blues come into play. There's barely any true metal in that soundtrack when you consider that - I'm pretty sure the amount of actual fast-paced metal is reduced to 10 or 15%.

why is this still the only game with full dynamic lighting and shadows on every light?

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