What went wrong with nu gow Any Forumsros?

What went wrong with nu gow Any Forumsros?

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Same thing with everything


They wanted to copy the last of us 1 formula.

You are not legally allowed to be a ruthless badass anymore.

It contracted Sony Exclusive Syndrome

Attached: Sony Exclusives.jpg (870x731, 174.97K)

>What went wrong with nu gow Any Forumsros?
you never grow up

Ah yes a game with fatherhood and a white family. I'm sure da joos did this, retard


They gave him a beard and turned him into a single father.

bearded kratos looks like a basedboy cuck, which is probably what they were going for.

Attached: no beard kratos.png (925x891, 1018.94K)

Never played the new God of War, how did he even end up in Norway?

h-he just DID, ok?!

after destroying the greek world in 3 he hop worlds and ended up in norse mythology world

The beard looks too trimmed

When did having a beard mean you were less manly? I feel like this became a thing after right wingers invaded Any Forums. Is it a cope because they can't grow their own?

Nothing. I had a great time with it. Enemy variety is the only real sticking point. Too many trolls. Then again the valkyrie gimmick was kinda neat. Was interesting to finally meet the entire moveset at the end. Played on GmGoW on my first playthrough by the way.

shit was balls hard, I also cleared it by playing it the first time on Gimme.

Bosses were easy, mobs were hard

when soi guzzling hipsters appropriated it back in the late 2000's

bald head with a big beard makes you look like an NPC all the time

norse myth has only two games before moving on to Egyptian mythology then irish or aztec?

better yet, they make a new franchise that's actually fun

Its very funny to me that old GoW's edgelord teen audience's idea of a mature game was having gore and tits, and that they grew up into nu-GoW's soiboi audience who think it's more mature because they took out the tits.