What is your least favorite race?

What is your least favorite race?

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assuming we limit it to classic races, then night elves. only faggots played those

Gnomes. They were either minmax autistis or proto-shitposters, every single time.

Once TBC launched, the worst was Blood Elves. Literally ruined the horde.

only faggots play elves
tauren are for furfags but they're tolerable
pandaren are shit chink pandering

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But in the game, probably night elves.

But in WoW it's the new dragon furries


orc. those g-words need to go back to outland
too bad the greedy goblins are financing them to destroy all beauty in the world

I would have sex with every playable race at least once.

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I hate Night Elves.
I hate how they look. I hate how they talk. I hate their lore. I hate their attitudes. I hate their music. I hate their ears. I hate their purple skin. I hate the people who play them. I hate their zones. I hate their victim complex. I hate how they spent 10,000 years jerking themselves off. I hate how it was never explained how they joined the Alliance. I hate Malfurion. I hate Maiev. Jarod Shadowsong is alright. I hate Shandris. I hate high priestess Tyrande. I hate night warrior Tyrande. I hate renewal Tyrande. I hate their stupid world trees. I hate their stupid regular trees. I hate their rule 34. I hate their beards. I hate their glowing eyes. I hate their Demon Hunters. I hate their ancients. I hate their dryads. I hate their fangs. I hate their culture.
And I REALLY hate how the newer writers are trying to turn the Tauren into Night Elf clones.
Fuck Night Elves.

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Definitely Vulpera or Gnomes.

Furries and Ageplay freaks are a fucking cancer that ruin everything they touch.

mucho texto. night elves are perfect for worgen, tauren, trolls, and orcs.

I play retail so vulpera. Before vulpera? Any elf.

zug zug


Questing in Stranglethorn Vale made me hate trolls and pirates alike.
Battle for Azeroth was the wrong expansion for me to return to.


wash yer back

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Gnomes is cheating so ill go with tauren

>Appearance wise
>Everything else wise
Undead niggers

Pandaren and worgens. Fucking furry bait bullshit.
At least the playable worgen. The old ones were based as fuck, mindless killing machines, not cucked disney crap.

unironically all of them (vanilla) are great and unique. they have their own particular vibe, playstyle, architecture, everything. but if I must say one, then gnomes.

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